Toronto Catholic District School Board



Cele trei cursuri de romana sunt:

LRO BD1 – pt clasa a 9-a si a 10-a (no pre-requisite)
LRO CU1 – pt clasa a 11-a (pre-requisite LRO BD1)
LRO DU1 – pt clasa a 12-a (pre-requisite LRO CU1)

Cursurile se tin de la 9 am la 12.30 pm in fiecare sambata la Senator O”Connor, 60 Rowena Drive, Lawrence & Victoria Park incepand cu data de 23 septembrie.


Toronto Catholic District School Board

The Toronto Catholic District School Board offers credit courses under the OSS curriculum guidelines. Parents and students must consult with their day school guidance counselor regarding their course selections, prerequisite courses and diploma requirements. Course selections must be made in accord…