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Start Preamble Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, propecia age limit Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services what do i need to buy propecia. Notice. As stipulated by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hereby giving what do i need to buy propecia notice that two meetings are scheduled to be held for the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB).

The meetings will be open to the public via WebEx and teleconference. A pre-registered what do i need to buy propecia public comment session will be held during both meetings. Pre-registration is required for members of the public who wish to attend the meetings via WebEx/teleconference.

Individuals who wish to send in their written public comment should send an email to CARB@hhs.gov. Registration information is available on the website http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb and must be completed by October 1, 2021 for what do i need to buy propecia the October 6, 2021 virtual Public Meeting. And, by November 29, 2021 for the November 30-December 1, 2021 virtual Public Meeting.

Additional information about registering for the meeting and providing public comment can be obtained at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb on what do i need to buy propecia the Upcoming Meetings page. The October meeting is scheduled to be held on October 6, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. To 11:00 what do i need to buy propecia a.m.

ET (times are tentative and subject to change). The November/December meeting is scheduled to be held on November 30, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. To 3:00 p.m what do i need to buy propecia.

And December 1, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. To 3:00 what do i need to buy propecia p.m. ET (times are tentative and subject to change).

The confirmed times and agenda items for both meetings will be posted on the website for the PACCARB at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb when this information becomes available. Pre-registration for attending the meeting is strongly what do i need to buy propecia suggested and should be completed no later than October 1, 2021 for the October meeting and November 29, 2021 for the November/December meeting. Instructions regarding attending this meeting virtually will be posted at least one week prior to the meeting at.

Http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb. Start Further Info Jomana Musmar, M.S., Ph.D., Designated Federal Officer, Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Room L616, Switzer Building, 330 C St.

SW, Washington, DC 20024. Phone. 202-746-1512.

Email. CARB@hhs.gov. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information The Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB), established by Executive Order 13676, is continued by Section 505 of Public Law 116-22, the propecia and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019 (PAHPAIA).

Activities and duties of the Advisory Council are governed by the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), Public Law 92-463, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), which sets forth standards for the formation and use of federal advisory committees. The PACCARB shall advise and provide information and recommendations to the Secretary regarding programs and policies intended to reduce or combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria that may present a public health threat and improve capabilities to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, or treat such resistance.

The PACCARB shall function solely for advisory purposes. Such advice, information, and recommendations may be related to improving. The effectiveness of antibiotics.

Research and advanced research on, and the development of, improved and innovative methods for combating or reducing antibiotic resistance, including new treatments, rapid point-of-care diagnostics, alternatives to antibiotics, including alternatives to animal antibiotics, and antimicrobial stewardship activities. Surveillance of antibiotic-resistant bacterial s, including publicly available and up-to-date information on resistance to antibiotics. Education for health care providers and the public with respect to up-to-date information on antibiotic resistance and ways to reduce or combat such resistance to antibiotics related to humans and animals.

Methods to prevent or reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacterial s. Including stewardship programs. And coordination with respect to international efforts in order to inform and advance the United States capabilities to combat antibiotic resistance.

The October 6, 2021 public meeting will be held virtually and is dedicated to deliberation and vote of the letter with recommendations from the Immediate Action Subcommittee of the Advisory Council. The meeting agenda will be posted on the PACCARB website at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb when it has been finalized. All agenda items are tentative and subject to change.

The November 31, 2021 and December 1, 2021 public meeting will be held virtually and will be dedicated to addressing the current situation regarding antimicrobial resistance as well as to a presentation from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on their report, Examining the Long-term Health and Economic Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance in the United States. The meeting agenda will be posted on the PACCARB website at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb when it has been finalized. All agenda items are tentative and subject to change.

Instructions regarding attending both meetings virtually will be posted one Start Printed Page 49552week prior to each meeting at. Http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb. Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide comments live during the October meeting via conference line by pre-registering online at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb.

Pre-registration is required for participation in this session with limited spots available. Written public comments can also be emailed to CARB@hhs.gov by midnight October 1, 2021 and should be limited to no more than one page. All public comments received prior to October 1, 2021, will be provided to Advisory Council members.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide comments live during the November 30, 2021 and December 1, 2021 public meeting via conference line by pre-registering online at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb. There will be two separate sessions available for public comment. An Innovation Spotlight will be held on November 30, 2021 where companies and/or organizations involved in combating antibiotic resistance have an opportunity to present their work to members of the Advisory Council.

And on December 1, 2021, where all members of the general public are welcome to provide oral comment during this separate session. Pre-registration is required for participation in these sessions with limited spots available. Further information about these two sessions can be found online at http://www.hhs.gov/​paccarb.

Written public comments can also be emailed to CARB@hhs.gov by midnight November 29, 2021 and should be limited to no more than one page. All public comments received prior to November 29, 2021, will be provided to Advisory Council members. Start Signature Dated.

August 26, 2021. Jomana F. Musmar, Designated Federal Officer, Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.

End Signature End Supplemental Information [FR Doc. 2021-19027 Filed 9-2-21. 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 4150-44-P.

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Imaging the encephalopathy propecia online of prematurityJulia Kline and colleagues assessed MRI findings at term in 110 preterm infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation and cared for in four neonatal units in Columbus, Ohio. Using automated cortical and sub-cortical segmentation they analysed cortical surface area, sulcal depth, gyrification index, inner cortical curvature and thickness. These measures of brain development and maturation were related to the outcomes of propecia online cognitive and language testing undertaken at 2 years corrected age using the Bayley-III. Increased surface area in nearly every brain region was positively correlated with Bayley-III cognitive and language scores.

Increased inner cortical curvature was negatively correlated with both outcomes. Gyrification index and sulcal depth did propecia online not follow consistent trends. These metrics retained their significance after sex, gestational age, socio-economic status and global injury score on structural MRI were included in the analysis. Surface area and inner cortical curvature explained approximately one-third of the variance in Bayley-III scores.In an accompanying editorial, David Edwards characterises the complexity of imaging and interpreting the combined effects of injury and dysmaturation on the developing brain.

Major structural lesions are present in a minority of infants and the problems observed in later childhood require a much propecia online broader understanding of the effects of prematurity on brain development. Presently these more sophisticated image-analysis techniques provide insights at a population level but the variation between individuals is such that they are not sufficiently predictive at an individual patient level to be of practical use to parents or clinicians in prognostication. Studies like this highlight the importance of follow-up programmes and help clinicians to avoid falling into the trap of equating normal (no major structural lesion) imaging studies with normal long term outcomes. See pages F460 and F458Drift at 10 propecia online yearsKaren Luuyt and colleagues report the cognitive outcomes at 10 years of the DRIFT (drainage, irrigation and fibrinolytic therapy) randomised controlled trial of treatment for post haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation.

They are to be congratulated for continuing to track these children and confirming the persistence of the cognitive advantage of the treatment that was apparent from earlier follow-up. Infants who received DRIFT were almost twice propecia online as likely to survive without severe cognitive disability than those who received standard treatment. While the confidence intervals were wide, the point estimate suggests that the number needed to treat for DRIFT to prevent one death or one case of severe cognitive disability was 3. The original trial took place between 2003 and 2006 and was stopped early because of concerns about secondary intraventricular haemorrhage and it was only on follow-up that the advantages of the treatment became apparent.

The study shows that secondary brain injury can be propecia online reduced by washing away the harmful debris of IVH. No other treatment for post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation has been shown to be beneficial in a randomised controlled trial. Less invasive approaches to CSF drainage at different thresholds of ventricular enlargement later in the clinical course have not been associated with similar advantage. However the DRIFT treatment is complex and invasive and could only be provided in a small number of specialist referral centres and logistical challenges will need propecia online to be overcome to evaluate the treatment approach further.

See page F466Chest compressionsWith a stable infant in the neonatal unit, it is common to review the events of the initial stabilisation and to speculate on whether chest compressions were truly needed to establish an effective circulation, or whether their use reflected clinician uncertainty in the face of other challenges. Anne Marthe Boldinge and colleagues provide some objective data on the subject. They analysed videos that were recorded during neonatal stabilisation in propecia online a single centre with 5000 births per annum. From a birth population of almost 1200 infants there were good quality video recordings from 327 episodes of initial stabilisation where positive pressure ventilation was provided and 29 of these episodes included the provision of chest compressions, mostly in term infants.

6/29 of the infants who received chest compressions were retrospectively judged to have needed them. 8/29 had propecia online adequate spontaneous respiration. 18/29 received ineffective positive pressure ventilation prior to chest compressions. 5/29 had a heart propecia online rate greater than 60 beats per minute at the time of chest compressions.

A consistent pattern of ventilation corrective actions was not identified. One infant received chest compressions without prior heart rate assessment. See page 545Propofol for neonatal endotracheal intubationMost clinicians provide sedation/analgesia for neonatal intubations but propecia online there is still a lot of uncertainty about the best approach. Ellen de Kort and colleagues set out to identify the dose of propofol that would provide adequate sedation for neonatal intubation without side-effects.

They conducted a dose-finding trial which evaluated a range of doses in infants of different gestations. They ended their study after 91 infants because they only achieved adequate sedation without side effects propecia online in 13% of patients. Hypotension (mean blood pressure below post-mentrual age in the hour after treatment) was observed in 59% of patients. See page 489Growth to early adulthood following extremely preterm birthThe EPICure cohort comprised all babies born at 25 completed weeks of gestation or less in all 276 maternity units in the UK and Ireland from March to December 1995.

Growth data into adulthood are sparse for propecia online such immature infants. Yanyan Ni and colleagues report the growth to 19 years of 129 of the cohort in comparison with contemporary term born controls. The extremely preterm infants were on average 4.0 cm shorter and 6.8 kg lighter with a 1.5 cm smaller head circumference propecia online relative to controls at 19 years. Body mass index was significantly elevated to +0.32 SD.

With practice changing to include the provision of life sustaining treatment to greater numbers of infants born at 22 and 23 weeks of gestation there is a strong case for further cohort studies to include this population of infants. See page propecia online F496Premature birth is a worldwide problem, and the most significant cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years in children. Impairment and disability among survivors are common. Cerebral palsy is diagnosed in around 10% of infants born before 33 weeks of gestation, although the rates approximately double in the smallest and most vulnerable infants, and other motor disturbances are being detected in 25%–40%.

Cognitive, socialisation and behavioural problems are apparent in around half of preterm infants, and there is propecia online increased incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders, which develop as the children grow older. Adults born preterm are approximately seven times more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disease.1 2The neuropathological basis for these long-term and debilitating disorders is often unclear. Brain imaging by ultrasound or MRI shows that only a relatively small proportion of infants have significant destructive brain lesions, and these major lesions are not detected commonly enough to account for the prevalence of long-term impairments. However, abnormalities of brain growth and maturation are common, and it is now apparent that, in addition propecia online to recognisable cerebral damage, adverse neurological, cognitive and psychiatric outcomes are consistently associated with abnormal cerebral maturation and development.Currently, most clinical decision-making remains focused around a number of well-described cerebral lesions usually detected in routine practice using cranial ultrasound.

Periventricular haemorrhage is common. Severe haemorrhages are associated with long-term adverse outcomes, and in infants born before 33 weeks of gestation, haemorrhagic parenchymal infarction predicts motor deficits ….

Imaging the encephalopathy of prematurityJulia Kline and colleagues assessed MRI findings at term in 110 what do i need to buy propecia preterm infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation and cared for in four neonatal click over here units in Columbus, Ohio. Using automated cortical and sub-cortical segmentation they analysed cortical surface area, sulcal depth, gyrification index, inner cortical curvature and thickness. These measures of brain development and maturation were related to the outcomes of cognitive and language testing what do i need to buy propecia undertaken at 2 years corrected age using the Bayley-III.

Increased surface area in nearly every brain region was positively correlated with Bayley-III cognitive and language scores. Increased inner cortical curvature was negatively correlated with both outcomes. Gyrification index and sulcal what do i need to buy propecia depth did not follow consistent trends.

These metrics retained their significance after sex, gestational age, socio-economic status and global injury score on structural MRI were included in the analysis. Surface area and inner cortical curvature explained approximately one-third of the variance in Bayley-III scores.In an accompanying editorial, David Edwards characterises the complexity of imaging and interpreting the combined effects of injury and dysmaturation on the developing brain. Major structural lesions are present in a minority of infants and the problems observed what do i need to buy propecia in later childhood require a much broader understanding of the effects of prematurity on brain development.

Presently these more sophisticated image-analysis techniques provide insights at a population level but the variation between individuals is such that they are not sufficiently predictive at an individual patient level to be of practical use to parents or clinicians in prognostication. Studies like this highlight the importance of follow-up programmes and help clinicians to avoid falling into the trap of equating normal (no major structural lesion) imaging studies with normal long term outcomes. See pages F460 and F458Drift at 10 yearsKaren Luuyt and colleagues report the cognitive outcomes what do i need to buy propecia at 10 years of the DRIFT (drainage, irrigation and fibrinolytic therapy) randomised controlled trial of treatment for post haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation.

They are to be congratulated for continuing to track these children and confirming the persistence of the cognitive advantage of the treatment that was apparent from earlier follow-up. Infants who received DRIFT what do i need to buy propecia were almost twice as likely to survive without severe cognitive disability than those who received standard treatment. While the confidence intervals were wide, the point estimate suggests that the number needed to treat for DRIFT to prevent one death or one case of severe cognitive disability was 3.

The original trial took place between 2003 and 2006 and was stopped early because of concerns about secondary intraventricular haemorrhage and it was only on follow-up that the advantages of the treatment became apparent. The study shows that secondary brain injury can be reduced by washing away the harmful debris what do i need to buy propecia of IVH. No other treatment for post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation has been shown to be beneficial in a randomised controlled trial.

Less invasive approaches to CSF drainage at different thresholds of ventricular enlargement later in the clinical course have not been associated with similar advantage. However the DRIFT treatment is complex and invasive and could only be provided in a small number of specialist referral centres and logistical challenges will need to be overcome to what do i need to buy propecia evaluate the treatment approach further. See page F466Chest compressionsWith a stable infant in the neonatal unit, it is common to review the events of the initial stabilisation and to speculate on whether chest compressions were truly needed to establish an effective circulation, or whether their use reflected clinician uncertainty in the face of other challenges.

Anne Marthe Boldinge and colleagues provide some objective data on the subject. They analysed videos that were recorded during neonatal stabilisation in a single centre with 5000 births per annum what do i need to buy propecia. From a birth population of almost 1200 infants there were good quality video recordings from 327 episodes of initial stabilisation where positive pressure ventilation was provided and 29 of these episodes included the provision of chest compressions, mostly in term infants.

6/29 of the infants who received chest compressions were retrospectively judged to have needed them. 8/29 had adequate spontaneous what do i need to buy propecia respiration. 18/29 received ineffective positive pressure ventilation prior to chest compressions.

5/29 had a heart rate what do i need to buy propecia greater than 60 beats per minute at the time of chest compressions. A consistent pattern of ventilation corrective actions was not identified. One infant received chest compressions without prior heart rate assessment.

See page 545Propofol for neonatal endotracheal intubationMost clinicians provide sedation/analgesia for neonatal intubations but there is still a lot of uncertainty about the what do i need to buy propecia best approach. Ellen de Kort and colleagues set out to identify the dose of propofol that would provide adequate sedation for neonatal intubation without side-effects. They conducted a dose-finding trial which evaluated a range of doses in infants of different gestations.

They ended their study after 91 infants because they only what do i need to buy propecia achieved adequate sedation without side effects in 13% of patients. Hypotension (mean blood pressure below post-mentrual age in the hour after treatment) was observed in 59% of patients. See page 489Growth to early adulthood following extremely preterm birthThe EPICure cohort comprised all babies born at 25 completed weeks of gestation or less in all 276 maternity units in the UK and Ireland from March to December 1995.

Growth data into what do i need to buy propecia adulthood are sparse for such immature infants. Yanyan Ni and colleagues report the growth to 19 years of 129 of the cohort in comparison with contemporary term born controls. The extremely preterm infants were on average 4.0 cm shorter and 6.8 kg lighter with a 1.5 cm smaller head circumference relative what do i need to buy propecia to controls at 19 years.

Body mass index was significantly elevated to +0.32 SD. With practice changing to include the provision of life sustaining treatment to greater numbers of infants born at 22 and 23 weeks of gestation there is a strong case for further cohort studies to include this population of infants. See page what do i need to buy propecia F496Premature birth is a worldwide problem, and the most significant cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years in children.

Impairment and disability among survivors are common. Cerebral palsy is diagnosed in around 10% of infants born before 33 weeks of gestation, although the rates approximately double in the smallest and most vulnerable infants, and other motor disturbances are being detected in 25%–40%. Cognitive, socialisation and behavioural problems what do i need to buy propecia are apparent in around half of preterm infants, and there is increased incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders, which develop as the children grow older.

Adults born preterm are approximately seven times more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disease.1 2The neuropathological basis for these long-term and debilitating disorders is often unclear. Brain imaging by ultrasound or MRI shows that only a relatively small proportion of infants have significant destructive brain lesions, and these major lesions are not detected commonly enough to account for the prevalence of long-term impairments. However, abnormalities of brain what do i need to buy propecia growth and maturation are common, and it is now apparent that, in addition to recognisable cerebral damage, adverse neurological, cognitive and psychiatric outcomes are consistently associated with abnormal cerebral maturation and development.Currently, most clinical decision-making remains focused around a number of well-described cerebral lesions usually detected in routine practice using cranial ultrasound.

Periventricular haemorrhage is common. Severe haemorrhages are associated with long-term adverse outcomes, and in infants born before 33 weeks of gestation, haemorrhagic parenchymal infarction predicts motor deficits ….

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As a storyteller at the Minamata Disease propecia and finasteride Municipal Museum, Mr. Ogata helps to keep alive the memory of what is considered to be one of the most serious Japanese pollution incidents of the Twentieth Century. The incident was caused by the release of toxic propecia and finasteride chemicals from an industrial plant, which accumulated in shellfish and fish, and were then eaten by the local population.More than 2,000 people have been recognized as victims, many of whom, including Mr.

Ogata, had to fight for recognition and compensation. Around 20 members of his family were affected by propecia and finasteride the disease, which causes muscle weakness, loss of peripheral vision, and hearing and speech impairment. Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMasami Ogata, a storyteller at the Minimata Disease Municipal Museum in Japan, who lives with the disease.“Minamata disease first caused damage to my family in September 1957.

When I was nearly two years old, my grandfather Fukumatsu Ogata propecia and finasteride suddenly developed an unexplained illness, which worsened day by day, with convulsions and drooling, difficulty walking, speech problems, and other symptoms.Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMinamata Disease is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning.Two months later, he passed away in the isolation and infectious diseases ward at the Minamata City Hospital. That was the first tragedy caused by Minamata disease in the Ogata family. However, we were never told what caused the illness.

My sister Hitomi, who was born a week before her grandfather developed the propecia and finasteride illness, was born with a disability, again without explanation, then other members of the Ogata family started falling ill one after another.When I became an adult, I noticed that I had very little sensation in my limbs. I work as a joiner and, when I was younger, would often cut my finger on the whetstone when sharpening knives, because my finger would droop.We came to understand that it was caused by methylmercury poisoning but we couldn’t really make it public that we were victims, because people thought that Minamata disease was contagious.Rumours spread though, and people would say that no one should marry a member of the Ogata family. I got married at the propecia and finasteride age of 20, but on the day of our engagement, my wife had a phone call.

Naming me, the person said to her, “the man you are trying to marry is a Minamata disease victim. The whole propecia and finasteride family will be annihilated. Are you okay to go to such a place as a bride?.

€ When I was younger, I hid my disease from others. I would change the subject if it came up, and say propecia and finasteride that it had nothing to do with me. It was my daughter who said to me that I had to live honestly.

Her words stuck in my chest, and I chose to stop hiding, at propecia and finasteride the age of 38. For 10 years, my application to be officially declared a Minamata disease victim was rejected until, on March 15, 2007, the Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture declared that she would recognize me as a Minamata disease patient.After receiving the certification, I asked myself how I would live in the future, then I decided to become a storyteller, so that I could tell people all over the world about the disease. Minamata, which has suffered so much, helped the world create the UN Convention named after the city, propecia and finasteride which will save the lives of many people around the world.

The people of Minamata suffered a lot from the disease and were torn apart, but from that we gained a wonderful power, in the form of the Minamata Convention.Minamata disease is by no means over but, by showing people around the world what victims can do and achieve, I think the world can take courage." Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMasami Ogata, a storyteller at the Minimata Disease Municipal Museum in Japan, who lives with the disease.The funding for the Access to hair loss treatment Tools (ACT) Accelerator – the UN-backed global initiative to end the propecia - is critical to prevent some five million additional potential deaths, as well as $5.3 trillion in global economic losses. "This weekend, the leaders of the @g20org countries will meet in Rome. Together, these countries have the ability to make the political and financial commitments that are needed propecia and finasteride to end this propecia, and to prevent future crises"-@DrTedros #ACTogether— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) October 28, 2021 The strategic plan and budget for the mechanism, a partnership of leading global health agencies established last April, will help the most at-risk countries to secure and deploy these tools between now and September 2022.

Unfulfilled potential WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said through its treatment pillar, COVAX, the ACT Accelerator has so far delivered 425 million doses to 144 countries alone. Nearly 130 million tests, propecia and finasteride as well as increased supply of oxygen, personal protective equipment (PPE) and treatments, have also been distributed. €œBut the ACT Accelerator has so far been prevented from fulfilling its potential by severe supply and financing constraints,” said Tedros, speaking during the regular press briefing from WHO headquarters in Geneva.

He warned that unless propecia and finasteride the propecia is controlled everywhere, the propecia will mutate and continue to circulate everywhere. €œThe high transmissibility of the Delta variant has reinforced what we have been saying since we set up the ACT Accelerator. treatments alone will not end the propecia.

We need all tools – treatments, tests, treatments, PPE and public health measures - to fight hair loss treatment and save lives and livelihoods now.” Europe driving case rise The spike in hair loss treatment cases globally is propecia and finasteride a reminder that the propecia is far from over. Numbers are increasing for the first time in two months, largely due to an ongoing rise in Europe, which outweighs declines elsewhere. Tedros said the propecia persists mainly propecia and finasteride because inequitable access to tools persists.

As of Thursday, there were 244.8 million confirmed cases worldwide, and 4.9 million deaths. €œIf the 6.8 billion treatment doses administered propecia and finasteride globally so far had been distributed equitably, we would have reached our 40 per cent target in every country by now,” he told journalists. Appeal to G20 leaders Ahead of the G20 summit this weekend in Rome, Tedros issued an appeal to the world’s leading industrial nations, as they “have the ability to make the political and financial commitments that are needed to end this propecia, and to prevent future crises.” He urged leaders to fully fund the ACT Accelerator and to support creation of legally-binding global treaty on propecia preparedness and response.

He further called for creation of a Health Threats Financing Board, supported by a Financial Intermediary Fund, hosted by the World Bank. Actions louder than words Despite lofty rhetoric about global solidarity, the goal of a “people’s treatment” against hair loss treatment is far from being reached, the UN and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent propecia and finasteride Movement said in a joint statement on Thursday. Stressing that “it is time for actions to speak louder than words”, the partners have united to reinforce a joint call for global treatment equity ahead of the G20 Rome summit.

€œProfits and short-sighted treatment nationalism continue to trump humanity when it comes to the equitable distribution of treatments,” they said propecia and finasteride. ‘A humanitarian imperative’ Although some 48 per cent of the world’s population has received at least one treatment dose, the number plummets to barely three per cent in low-income countries, and the situation is “particularly worrying” in countries suffering humanitarian crisis. €œIt is a humanitarian imperative and our shared responsibility to ensure that lives everywhere are protected, not only in the few countries that propecia and finasteride have the means to buy protection,” they said.

The partners issued a five-point call to governments, partners, donors, the private sector, and other stakeholders, urging them to scale up hair loss treatment supply and access to COVAX, including through donations, and to increase funding and support so that treatments can reach all people. They appealed for strengthening treatment production and distribution capacity, particularly in low and middle-income countries and accelerating technology transfers, and urged manufacturers to lift all remaining barriers to allow humanitarian agencies access to treatments..

As a storyteller at the what do i need to buy propecia Minamata Disease Municipal Museum, Mr. Ogata helps to keep alive the memory of what is considered to be one of the most serious Japanese pollution incidents of the Twentieth Century. The incident was caused by the release of toxic chemicals from an industrial plant, which accumulated in shellfish and fish, and were then eaten by the what do i need to buy propecia local population.More than 2,000 people have been recognized as victims, many of whom, including Mr.

Ogata, had to fight for recognition and compensation. Around 20 members of his family were affected by the disease, which causes muscle weakness, loss of peripheral what do i need to buy propecia vision, and hearing and speech impairment. Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMasami Ogata, a storyteller at the Minimata Disease Municipal Museum in Japan, who lives with the disease.“Minamata disease first caused damage to my family in September 1957.

When I was nearly two years old, my grandfather Fukumatsu Ogata suddenly developed an unexplained illness, which worsened day by day, with convulsions and drooling, difficulty walking, speech problems, and other symptoms.Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMinamata Disease is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning.Two months what do i need to buy propecia later, he passed away in the isolation and infectious diseases ward at the Minamata City Hospital. That was the first tragedy caused by Minamata disease in the Ogata family. However, we were never told what caused the illness.

My sister Hitomi, who was born a week before her grandfather developed the illness, was born with a disability, again without explanation, then other members of the Ogata family started falling ill one after another.When I became an adult, I noticed that I had very little sensation in what do i need to buy propecia my limbs. I work as a joiner and, when I was younger, would often cut my finger on the whetstone when sharpening knives, because my finger would droop.We came to understand that it was caused by methylmercury poisoning but we couldn’t really make it public that we were victims, because people thought that Minamata disease was contagious.Rumours spread though, and people would say that no one should marry a member of the Ogata family. I got married at the age of 20, but on the day what do i need to buy propecia of our engagement, my wife had a phone call.

Naming me, the person said to her, “the man you are trying to marry is a Minamata disease victim. The whole what do i need to buy propecia family will be annihilated. Are you okay to go to such a place as a bride?.

€ When I was younger, I hid my disease from others. I would what do i need to buy propecia change the subject if it came up, and say that it had nothing to do with me. It was my daughter who said to me that I had to live honestly.

Her words stuck what do i need to buy propecia in my chest, and I chose to stop hiding, at the age of 38. For 10 years, my application to be officially declared a Minamata disease victim was rejected until, on March 15, 2007, the Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture declared that she would recognize me as a Minamata disease patient.After receiving the certification, I asked myself how I would live in the future, then I decided to become a storyteller, so that I could tell people all over the world about the disease. Minamata, which has suffered so much, helped what do i need to buy propecia the world create the UN Convention named after the city, which will save the lives of many people around the world.

The people of Minamata suffered a lot from the disease and were torn apart, but from that we gained a wonderful power, in the form of the Minamata Convention.Minamata disease is by no means over but, by showing people around the world what victims can do and achieve, I think the world can take courage." Minimata Disease Municipal MuseumMasami Ogata, a storyteller at the Minimata Disease Municipal Museum in Japan, who lives with the disease.The funding for the Access to hair loss treatment Tools (ACT) Accelerator – the UN-backed global initiative to end the propecia - is critical to prevent some five million additional potential deaths, as well as $5.3 trillion in global economic losses. "This weekend, the leaders of the @g20org countries will meet in Rome. Together, these countries have the ability to make the political and financial commitments that are needed to end this propecia, and to prevent future crises"-@DrTedros #ACTogether— World Health Organization (WHO) what do i need to buy propecia (@WHO) October 28, 2021 The strategic plan and budget for the mechanism, a partnership of leading global health agencies established last April, will help the most at-risk countries to secure and deploy these tools between now and September 2022.

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A broadly neutralising antibody to prevent cheapest generic propecia HIV transmissionTwo HIV prevention trials (HVTN 704/HPTN http://SookiesCookies.com/cupcakes-delivery-freeholdnj/ 085. HVTN 703/HPTN 081) enrolled 2699 at-risk cisgender men and transgender persons in the Americas and Europe and 1924 at-risk women in sub-Saharan Africa who were randomly assigned to receive the broadly neutralising antibody (bnAb) VRC01 or placebo (10 infusions at an interval of 8 weeks). Moderate-to-severe adverse cheapest generic propecia events related to VRC01 were uncommon.

In a prespecified pooled analysis, over 20 months, VRC01 offered an estimated prevention efficacy of ~75% against VRC01-sensitive isolates (30% of propeciaes circulating in the trial regions). However, VRC01 did not prevent with other HIV isolates cheapest generic propecia and overall HIV acquisition compared with placebo. The data provide proof of concept that bnAb can prevent HIV acquisition, although the approach is limited by viral diversity and potential selection of resistant isolates.Corey L, Gilbert PB, Juraska M, et al.

Two randomized trials of neutralizing cheapest generic propecia antibodies to prevent HIV-1 acquisition. N Engl J Med. 2021;384:1003–1014.Seminal cytokine profiles are associated with the risk of HIV transmissionInvestigators analysed a panel of 34 cytokines/chemokines in blood and semen of men cheapest generic propecia (predominantly men who have sex with men) with HIV, comparing 21 who transmitted HIV to their partners and 22 who did not.

Overall, 47% of men had a recent HIV , 19% were on antiretroviral therapy and 84% were viraemic. The cytokine profile in seminal fluid, but not in blood, differed significantly between transmitters and non-transmitters, with transmitters showing higher seminal concentrations of interleukin 13 (IL-13), IL-15 and IL-33, and lower concentrations of cheapest generic propecia interferon‐gamma, IL-15, macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), IL-17, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), IL-4, IL-16 and eotaxin. Although limited, the findings suggest that the seminal milieu modulates the risk of HIV transmission, providing a potential development opportunity for HIV prevention strategies.Vanpouille C, Frick A, Rawlings SA, et al.

Cytokine network and sexual HIV transmission cheapest generic propecia in men who have sex with men. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;71:2655–2662.The challenge of estimating global cheapest generic propecia treatment eligibility for chronic hepatitis B from incomplete datasetsWorldwide, over 250 million people are estimated to live with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), although only ~11% is diagnosed and a minority receives antiviral therapy.

An estimate of the global proportion eligible for treatment was not previously available. A systematic review analysed studies of CHB populations done between 2007 and 2018 to estimate the prevalence of cirrhosis, abnormal alanine cheapest generic propecia aminotransferase, hepatitis B propecia DNA >2000 or >20 000 IU/mL, hepatitis B e-antigen, and overall eligibility for treatment as per WHO and other guidelines. The pooled treatment eligibility estimate was 19% (95% CI 18% to 20%), with about 10% requiring urgent treatment due to cirrhosis.

However, the estimate should be interpreted with caution due to incomplete data acquisition and reporting in available studies cheapest generic propecia. Standardised reporting is needed to improve global and regional estimates of CHB treatment eligibility and guide effective policy formulation.Tan M, Bhadoria AS, Cui F, et al. Estimating the proportion of people with cheapest generic propecia chronic hepatitis B propecia eligible for hepatitis B antiviral treatment worldwide.

A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Gastroenterol cheapest generic propecia Hepatol, 2021. 6:106–119.Broad geographical disparity in the contribution of HIV to the burden of cervical cancerThis systematic review and meta-analysis estimated the contribution of HIV to the global and regional burden of cervical cancer using data from 24 studies which included 236 127 women with HIV.

HIV markedly increased the risk of cheapest generic propecia cervical cancer (pooled relative risk 6.07. 95% CI 4.40 to 8.37). In 2018, 4.9% (95% CI 3.6% to 6.4%) of cervical cancers were attributable to HIV globally, cheapest generic propecia although the population-attributable fraction for HIV varied geographically, reaching 21% (95% CI 15.6% to 26.8%) in the African region.

Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable. Efforts are needed to expand access cheapest generic propecia to HPV vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa. More immediately, there is an urgent need to integrate cervical cancer screening within HIV services.Stelzle D, Tanaka LF, Lee KK, et al.

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9:e161–69.The complex relationship between serum vitamin D and persistence of high-risk human papilloma propecia Most cervical high-risk human papilloma propecia (hrHPV) s are transient and those that persist are more likely to progress to cancer. Based on the proposed immunomodulatory properties of vitamin D, a longitudinal study examined the association between serum concentrations of five vitamin D biomarkers and short-term persistent (vs transient or sporadic) detection of hrHPV in 72 women who collected monthly cervicovaginal swabs over 6 months. No significant associations were detected in the primary analysis.

In sensitivity analyses, after multiple adjustments, serum concentrations of multiple vitamin D biomarkers were positively associated with the short-term persistence of 14 selected hrHPV types. The relationship between vitamin D and hrHPV warrants closer examination. Studies should have longer follow-up, include populations with more diverse vitamin D concentrations and account for vitamin D supplementation.Troja C, Hoofnagle AN, Szpiro A, et al.

Understanding the role of emerging vitamin D biomarkers on short-term persistence of high-risk HPV among mid-adult women. J Infect Dis 2020. Online ahead of printPublished in STI—the editor’s choice.

One in five cases of with Neisseria gonorrhoeae clear spontaneouslyStudies have indicated that Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) s can resolve spontaneously without antibiotic therapy. A substudy of a randomised trial investigated 405 untreated subjects (71% men) who underwent both pretrial and enrolment NG testing at the same anatomical site (genital, pharyngeal and rectal). Based on nuclear acid amplification tests, 83 subjects (20.5%) showed clearance of the anatomical site within a median of 10 days (IQR 7–15) between tests.

Those with spontaneous clearance were less likely to have concurrent chlamydia (p=0.029) and dysuria (p=0.035), but there were no differences in age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, number of previous NG episodes, and symptoms other than dysuria between those with and without clearance. Given the high rate of spontaneous resolution, point-of-care NG testing should be considered to reduce unnecessary antibiotic treatment.Mensforth S, Ayinde OC, Ross J. Spontaneous clearance of genital and extragenital Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Data from GToG. STI 2020. 96:556–561.BackgroundReproductive aged women are at risk of both pregnancy and sexually transmitted s (STI).

The modern contraceptive prevalence among married and unmarried women in South Africa is 54% and 64%, respectively, with injectable progestins being most widely used.1 Moreover, current global efforts aim towards all women having access to a range of reliable contraceptives options.2 The prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea are high among women in Africa, particularly among younger women. A recent meta-analysis of over 37 000 women estimated prevalences for chlamydia and gonorrhoea by region and population type (South Africa clinic/community-based, Eastern Africa higher-risk and Southern/Eastern Africa clinic community-based). High chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences were found among 15–24 year-old South African women and high risk populations in East Africa.3 Both chlamydia and gonorrhoea are associated with numerous comorbidities including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, increased risk of HIV and other STIs, as well as significant social harm.4While STIs are a significant global health burden, data on STI prevalence by gender and drivers of are limited, hindering an effective public health response.5 Moreover, data on the association between contraceptive use and risk of non-HIV STIs are limited.

The WHO recently reported stagnation in efforts to decrease global STI incidence.5 Understanding drivers of STI acquisition, including any possible associations with widely used contraceptive methods, is necessary to effectively target public health responses that reduce STI incidence and associated comorbidities.The ECHO Trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier. NCT02550067) was a multicentre, open-label randomised trial of 7829 HIV-seronegative women seeking effective contraception in Eswatini, Kenya, South Africa and Zambia. Detailed trial methods and results have been published.6 7 We conducted a secondary analysis of ECHO trial data to evaluate absolute and relative chlamydia and gonorrhoea final visit prevalences among women randomised to intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-IM), a copper intrauterine device (IUD) and a levonorgestrel (LNG) implant.MethodsStudy design, participants and ethicsWomen were enrolled in the ECHO trial from December 2015 through September 2017.

Institutional review boards at each site approved the study protocol and women provided written informed consent before any study procedures. In brief, women who were not pregnant, HIV-seronegative, aged 16–35 years, seeking effective contraception, without medical contraindications, willing to use the assigned method for 18 months, reported not using injectable, intrauterine or implantable contraception for the previous 6 months and reported being sexually active, were enrolled. At every visit, participants received HIV risk reduction counselling, HIV testing and STI management, condoms and, as it became a part of national standard of care, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Counselling messages related to HIV risk were implemented consistently across the three groups throughout the trial.6The trial was implemented in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice. Informed consent was obtained from participants or their parents/guardians and human experimentation guidelines of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and those of the authors' institution(s) were followed.Contraceptive exposureAt enrolment, women were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to DMPA-IM, copper IUD or LNG implant.6 Participants received an injection of 150 mg/mL DMPA-IM (Depo Provera. Pfizer, Puurs, Belgium) at enrolment and every 3 months until the final visit at 18 months after enrolment, a copper IUD (Optima TCu380A.

Injeflex, Sao Paolo, Brazil) or a LNG implant (Jadelle. Bayer, Turku, Finland) at enrolment. Women returned for follow-up visits at 1 month after enrolment to address initial contraceptive side-effects and every 3 months thereafter, for up to 18 months with later enrolling participants contributing 12 to 18 months of follow-up.

Visits included HIV serological testing, contraceptive counselling, syndromic STI management and safety monitoring.STI outcomesThe primary outcomes of this secondary analysis were prevalent chlamydia and gonorrhoea at the final visit. Syndromic STI management was provided at screening and all follow-up visits. Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was conducted at screening and final visits, at the visit of HIV detection for participants who became HIV infected and at clinical discretion.

Any untreated participants with positive NAAT results were contacted to return to the study clinic for treatment.CovariatesAt baseline (inclusive of screening and enrolment visits), we collected demographic, sexual and reproductive risk behaviour and reproductive and contraceptive history data. Baseline risk factors evaluated as covariates included age, whether the participant earned her own income, chlamydia and gonorrhoea status, herpes simplex propecia type 2 (HSV-2) sero-status and suspected PID. Final visit factors evaluated as covariates included number of sex partners in the past 3 months, number of new sex partners in the past 3 months, HIV serostatus, HSV-2 serostatus, condom use in the past 3 months, sex exchanged for money/gifts, sex during vaginal bleeding, follow-up time and number of pelvic examinations during follow-up.

Age and HSV-2 serostatus were evaluated for effect measure modification.Statistical analysisWe conducted analyses using R V.3.5.3 (Vienna, Austria), and log-binomial regression to estimate chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences within each contraceptive group and pairwise prevalence ratios (PR) between each arm in as-randomised and consistent use analyses.In the as-randomised analysis, we analysed participants by the contraceptive method assigned at randomisation independent of method adherence. We estimated crude point prevalences by arm and study site and pairwise adjusted PRs.In the consistent use analysis, we only included women who initiated use of their randomised contraceptive method and maintained randomised method adherence throughout follow-up. We estimated crude point prevalences by arm and pairwise adjusted PRs, with evaluation of age and HSV-2 status first as potential effect measure modifiers, and all covariates above as potential confounders.

Study site and age were retained in buy propecia online no prescription the final model. Other covariates were retained if their inclusion in the base model led to a 10% change in the effect estimate through backwards selection.Supplementary analysesAdditional supporting analyses to assess postrandomisation potential sources of bias were conducted to inform interpretation of results. These include evaluation of recent sexual behaviour at enrolment, month 9 and the final visit.

Cohort participation (ie, follow-up time, early discontinuation and timing of randomised method discontinuation) and health outcomes (ie, final visit HIV and HSV-2 status) and frequency and results of pelvic examinations by STI status, site and visit month by randomised arm.ResultsA total of 7829 women were randomly assigned as follows. 2609 to the DMPA-IM group, 2607 to the copper IUD group and 2613 to the LNG implant group (figure 1). Participants were excluded if they were HIV positive at enrolment, did not have at least one HIV test or did not have chlamydia and gonorrhoea test results at the final visit.

Overall, 90%, 94% and 93% from the DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant groups, respectively, were included in analyses.Study profile. DMPA-IM, depot medroxy progesterone acetate. IUD, intrauterine device.

LNG, levonorgestrel." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 1 Study profile. DMPA-IM, depot medroxy progesterone acetate. IUD, intrauterine device.

LNG, levonorgestrel.Participant characteristicsBaseline characteristics were similar across groups (table 1). Nearly two-third of enrolled women (63%) were aged 24 and younger and 5768 (74%) of the study population resided in South Africa.View this table:Table 1 Participant baseline and final visit characteristicsThe duration of participation averaged 16 months with no differences between randomised groups (table 1). A total of 1468 (19%) women either did not receive their randomised method or discontinued use during follow-up.

Overall method continuation rates were high with minimal differences between randomised groups when measured by person-years.6 The proportion, however, of method non-adherence as defined in this analysis (ie, did not receive randomised method at baseline or discontinued randomised method at any point during follow-up), was greater in the DMPA-IM group (26%), followed by the copper IUD (18%) and LNG implant (12%) groups. Timing of discontinuation also differed across methods. During the first 6 months, method discontinuation was highest in the copper IUD group (7%) followed closely by DMPA-IM (6%) and LNG implant (4%) groups.

Between 7 and 12 months of follow-up, it was highest in DMPA-IM group (15%), with equivalent proportions in the LNG implant (5%) and copper IUD (5%) groups.Point prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visitsIn total, 18% of women had chlamydia at baseline (figure 2A) and 15% at the final visit. Among women 24 years and younger, 22% and 20% had chlamydia at baseline and final visits, respectively. Women aged 25–35 at baseline were less likely to have chlamydia at both baseline (12%) and final visits (8%) compared with younger women.

Baseline chlamydia prevalence ranged from 5% in Zambia to 28% in the Western Cape, South Africa (figure 2B).Point prevalence (per 100 persons) of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visit by age category and study site region. Y-axis scale differs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea figures." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 2 Point prevalence (per 100 persons) of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visit by age category and study site region. Y-axis scale differs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea figures.Among all women, 5% had gonorrhoea at baseline and the final visit (figure 2C).

Women aged 24 and younger were more likely to have gonorrhoea compared with women aged 25 and older at both baseline (5% vs 4%, respectively) and the final visit (6% vs 3%, respectively). Baseline gonorrhoea prevalence ranged from 3% in Zambia and Kenya to 9% in the Western Cape, South Africa (figure 2D). Similar prevalences were observed at the final visit.Point prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at final visit by randomised contraceptive methodFourteen per cent of women randomised to DMPA-IM, 15% to copper IUD and 17% to LNG implant had chlamydia at the final visit (table 2).View this table:Table 2 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae prevalence at final visitThe prevalence of chlamydia did not significantly differ between DMPA-IM and copper IUD groups (PR 0.90, 95% CI (0.79 to 1.04)) or between copper IUD and LNG implant groups (PR 0.92, 95% CI (0.81 to 1.04)).

Women in the DMPA-IM group, however, had a significantly lower risk of chlamydia compared with the LNG implant group (PR. 0.83, 95% CI (0.72 to 0.95)). Findings from the consistent use analysis were similar, and neither age nor HSV-2 status modified the observed associations.Four per cent of women randomised to DMPA-IM, 6% to copper IUD and 5% to LNG implant had gonorrhoea at the final visit (table 2).

Gonorrhoea prevalence did not significantly differ between DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups (PR. 0.79, 95% CI (0.61 to 1.03)) or between copper IUD and LNG implant groups (PR. 1.18, 95% CI (0.93 to 1.49)).

Women in the DMPA-IM group had a significantly lower risk of gonorrhoea compared with women in the copper IUD group (PR. 0.67, 95% CI (0.52 to 0.87)). Results from as randomised and continuous use analyses did not differ.

And again, neither age nor HSV-2 status modified the observed associations.Clinical assessment by randomised contraceptive methodTo assess the potential for outcome ascertainment bias, we evaluated the frequency of pelvic examinations and abdominal/pelvic pain and discharge by study arm. Women in the copper IUD group were generally more likely to receive a pelvic examination during follow-up as compared with women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups (online supplemental appendix 1). Similarly, abdominal/pelvic pain on examination or abnormal discharge was observed most frequently in the copper IUD group.

The number of pelvic examinations met the prespecified criteria for retention in the adjusted gonorrhoea model but not in the chlamydia model.Supplemental materialFrequency of syndromic symptoms and potential reAmong women who had chlamydia at baseline, 23% were also positive at the final visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3A). Nine per cent of gonorrhoea-positive women at baseline were also positive at the final visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3B). Across both baseline and final visits, a minority of women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea presented with signs and/or symptoms.

Among chlamydia-positive women, only 12% presented with either abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain at their test-positive visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3C). Similarly, only 15% of gonorrhoea-positive women presented with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain at their test-positive visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3D).Potential re and symptoms among women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Data are pooled across the screening and final visits in figures (C) and (D).

Symptomatic is defined as presenting with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain. Final visit is described as potential re because test of cure was not conducted following baseline diagnosis and treatment." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 3 Potential re and symptoms among women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Data are pooled across the screening and final visits in figures (C) and (D).

Symptomatic is defined as presenting with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain. Final visit is described as potential re because test of cure was not conducted following baseline diagnosis and treatment.DiscussionWe observed differences in final prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea by contraceptive group in both as-randomised and consistent-use analyses. The DMPA-IM group had lower final visit chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences as compared with copper IUD and LNG implant groups, though only the DMPA-IM versus the copper IUD comparison of gonorrhoea and DMPA-IM versus LNG implant comparison of chlamydia reached statistical significance.

These are novel findings that have not previously been reported to our knowledge and were determined in a randomised trial setting with high participant retention, robust biomarker testing and high randomised method adherence. Interestingly, the copper IUD group had higher gonorrhoea and lower chlamydia prevalence compared with the LNG implant group, though neither finding was statistically significant.Two recent systematic reviews of the association between contraceptives and STIs found inconsistent and insufficient evidence on the association between the contraceptive methods under study in ECHO and chlamydia and gonorrhoea.8 9 Neither systematic review identified any randomised studies or any direct comparative evidence for DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant, thus enabling a unique scientific contribution from this secondary trial analysis. Nonetheless, these findings should be interpreted in light of biological plausibility, as well as the design strengths and limitations of this analysis.The emerging science on the biological mechanisms underlying HIV susceptibility demonstrates the complex relationship between the infectious pathogen, the host innate and adaptive immune response and the interaction of both with the vaginal microbiome and other -omes.

Data on these factors in relationship to chlamydia and gonorrhoea acquisition are much more limited but can be assumed to be equally complex. Vaginal microbiome composition, including microbial metabolic by-products, have been shown to significantly modify risk of HIV acquisition and to vary with exogenous hormone exposure, menstrual cycle phase, ethnicity and geography.10–12 These same biological principles likely apply to chlamydia and gonorrhoea susceptibility. While DMPA-IM has been associated with decreased bacterial vaginosis (BV), initiation of the copper IUD has been associated with increased BV prevalence, and BV is associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea acquisition.13 14 Moreover, Lactobacillus crispatus, which is less abundant in BV, has been shown to inhibit HeLa cell by Chlamydia trachomatis and inhibits growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in animal models.15 16 In addition, microbial community state types that are deficient in Lactobacillus crispatus and/or dominated by dysbiotic species are associated with inflammation, which is a driver of both STI and HIV susceptibility.

Thus, while the exact mechanisms of chlamydia and gonorrhoea in the presence of exogenous hormones and varying host microbiomes are unknown, it is biologically plausible that these complex factors may result in differential susceptibility to chlamydia and gonorrhoea among DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant users.An alternative explanation for these findings may be postrandomisation differences in clinical care and/or sexual behaviour. Participants in the copper IUD arm were more likely to have pelvic examinations and more likely to have discharge compared with women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups. While interim STI testing and/or treatment were not documented, women in the copper IUD arm may have been more likely to receive syndromic STI treatment during follow-up due to more examination and observed discharge.

More frequent STI treatment in the copper IUD group would theoretically lower the final visit point prevalence relative to women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant arms, suggesting that the observed lower risk of STI in the DMPA-IM arm is not due to differential examination, testing and treatment. Differential sexual risk behaviour may also have influenced the results. As reported previously, women in the DMPA-IM group less frequently reported condomless sex and multiple partners than women in the other groups, and both DMPA-IM and LNG implant users less frequently reported new partners and sex during menses than copper IUD users.6 Statistical control of self-reported sexual risk behaviour in the consistent-use analysis may have been inadequate if self-reported sexual behaviour was inaccurately or insufficiently reported.A second alternative explanation may be differences in randomised method non-adherence, which was greater in the DMPA-IM group, compared with copper IUD and LNG implant groups.

Yet, the consistency of findings in the as-randomised and continuous use analyses suggests that method non-adherence had minimal effect on study outcomes. Taken as a whole, these findings indicate that there may be real differences in chlamydia and gonorrhoea risk associated with use of DMPA-IM, the copper IUD and LNG implant. However, any true differential risk by method must be evaluated in light of the holistic benefits and risks of each method.The high observed chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences, despite intensive counselling and condom provision, warrants attention, particularly among women ages 24 years and younger and among women in South Africa and Eswatini.

While the ECHO study was conducted in settings of high HIV/STI incidence, enrolment criteria did not purposefully target women at highest risk of HIV/STI in the trial communities, suggesting that the observed prevalences may be broadly applicable to women seeking effective contraception in those settings. Improved approaches are needed to prevent STIs, including options for expedited partner treatment, to prevent re.As expected, few women testing positive for chlamydia or gonorrhoea presented with symptoms (12% and 15%, respectively), and a substantial proportion of women who were positive and treated at baseline were infected at the final visit despite syndromic management during the follow-up. Given that syndromic management is the standard of care within primary health facilities in most trial settings, these data suggest that a large proportion of among reproductive aged women is missed, exacerbating the burden of curable STIs and associated morbidities.

Routine access to more reliable diagnostics, like NAAT and novel point-of-care diagnostic tests, will be key to managing asymptomatic STIs and reducing STI prevalence and related morbidities in these settings.17This secondary analysis of the ECHO trial has strengths and limitations. Strengths include the randomised design with comparator groups of equal STI baseline risk. Participants had high adherence to their randomised contraceptive method.6 While all participants received standardised clinical care and counselling, the unblinded randomisation may have allowed postrandomisation differences in STI risk over time by method.

It is possible that participants modified their risk-taking behaviour based on study counselling messages regarding the potential association between DMPA-IM and HIV.In conclusion, our analyses suggest that DMPA-IM users may have lower risk of chlamydia and gonorrhoea compared with LNG implant and copper IUD users, respectively. Further investigation is warranted to better understand the mechanisms of chlamydia and gonorrhoea susceptibility in the context of contraceptive use. Moreover, the high chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences in this population, independent of contraceptive method, warrants urgent attention.Key messagesThe prevalence of chlamydia and gonorrhoea varied by contraceptive method in this randomised trial.High chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences, despite intensive counselling and condom provision, warrants attention, particularly among young women in South Africa and Eswatini.Most chlamydia and gonorrhoea s were asymptomatic.

Therefore, routine access to reliable diagnostics are needed to effectively manage and prevent STIs in African women..

A broadly propecia price south africa neutralising antibody to prevent HIV transmissionTwo HIV prevention what do i need to buy propecia trials (HVTN 704/HPTN 085. HVTN 703/HPTN 081) enrolled 2699 at-risk cisgender men and transgender persons in the Americas and Europe and 1924 at-risk women in sub-Saharan Africa who were randomly assigned to receive the broadly neutralising antibody (bnAb) VRC01 or placebo (10 infusions at an interval of 8 weeks). Moderate-to-severe adverse events related to what do i need to buy propecia VRC01 were uncommon. In a prespecified pooled analysis, over 20 months, VRC01 offered an estimated prevention efficacy of ~75% against VRC01-sensitive isolates (30% of propeciaes circulating in the trial regions). However, VRC01 did not prevent with what do i need to buy propecia other HIV isolates and overall HIV acquisition compared with placebo.

The data provide proof of concept that bnAb can prevent HIV acquisition, although the approach is limited by viral diversity and potential selection of resistant isolates.Corey L, Gilbert PB, Juraska M, et al. Two randomized trials of neutralizing what do i need to buy propecia antibodies to prevent HIV-1 acquisition. N Engl J Med. 2021;384:1003–1014.Seminal cytokine profiles are what do i need to buy propecia associated with the risk of HIV transmissionInvestigators analysed a panel of 34 cytokines/chemokines in blood and semen of men (predominantly men who have sex with men) with HIV, comparing 21 who transmitted HIV to their partners and 22 who did not. Overall, 47% of men had a recent HIV , 19% were on antiretroviral therapy and 84% were viraemic.

The cytokine profile in seminal fluid, but not in blood, differed significantly between transmitters and non-transmitters, with transmitters what do i need to buy propecia showing higher seminal concentrations of interleukin 13 (IL-13), IL-15 and IL-33, and lower concentrations of interferon‐gamma, IL-15, macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), IL-17, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), IL-4, IL-16 and eotaxin. Although limited, the findings suggest that the seminal milieu modulates the risk of HIV transmission, providing a potential development opportunity for HIV prevention strategies.Vanpouille C, Frick A, Rawlings SA, et al. Cytokine network and sexual HIV transmission in men who have sex with men what do i need to buy propecia. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;71:2655–2662.The challenge of estimating global treatment eligibility what do i need to buy propecia for chronic hepatitis B from incomplete datasetsWorldwide, over 250 million people are estimated to live with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), although only ~11% is diagnosed and a minority receives antiviral therapy.

An estimate of the global proportion eligible for treatment was not previously available. A systematic review analysed studies of CHB populations done between 2007 and 2018 to estimate the prevalence of cirrhosis, abnormal alanine aminotransferase, hepatitis B propecia DNA >2000 or >20 000 IU/mL, hepatitis B e-antigen, what do i need to buy propecia and overall eligibility for treatment as per WHO and other guidelines. The pooled treatment eligibility estimate was 19% (95% CI 18% to 20%), with about 10% requiring urgent treatment due to cirrhosis. However, the what do i need to buy propecia estimate should be interpreted with caution due to incomplete data acquisition and reporting in available studies. Standardised reporting is needed to improve global and regional estimates of CHB treatment eligibility and guide effective policy formulation.Tan M, Bhadoria AS, Cui F, et al.

Estimating the proportion of people with chronic hepatitis B propecia eligible for hepatitis B what do i need to buy propecia antiviral treatment worldwide. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Gastroenterol what do i need to buy propecia Hepatol, 2021. 6:106–119.Broad geographical disparity in the contribution of HIV to the burden of cervical cancerThis systematic review and meta-analysis estimated the contribution of HIV to the global and regional burden of cervical cancer using data from 24 studies which included 236 127 women with HIV. HIV markedly increased the risk of what do i need to buy propecia cervical cancer (pooled relative risk 6.07.

95% CI 4.40 to 8.37). In 2018, 4.9% (95% CI 3.6% to 6.4%) of cervical cancers what do i need to buy propecia were attributable to HIV globally, although the population-attributable fraction for HIV varied geographically, reaching 21% (95% CI 15.6% to 26.8%) in the African region. Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable. Efforts are what do i need to buy propecia needed to expand access to HPV vaccination in sub-Saharan Africa. More immediately, there is an urgent need to integrate cervical cancer screening within HIV services.Stelzle D, Tanaka LF, Lee KK, et al.

Estimates of the global burden what do i need to buy propecia of cervical cancer associated with HIV. Lancet Glob Health. 2020. 9:e161–69.The complex relationship between serum vitamin D and persistence of high-risk human papilloma propecia Most cervical high-risk human papilloma propecia (hrHPV) s are transient and those that persist are more likely to progress to cancer. Based on the proposed immunomodulatory properties of vitamin D, a longitudinal study examined the association between serum concentrations of five vitamin D biomarkers and short-term persistent (vs transient or sporadic) detection of hrHPV in 72 women who collected monthly cervicovaginal swabs over 6 months.

No significant associations were detected in the primary analysis. In sensitivity analyses, after multiple adjustments, serum concentrations of multiple vitamin D biomarkers were positively associated with the short-term persistence of 14 selected hrHPV types. The relationship between vitamin D and hrHPV warrants closer examination. Studies should have longer follow-up, include populations with more diverse vitamin D concentrations and account for vitamin D supplementation.Troja C, Hoofnagle AN, Szpiro A, et al. Understanding the role of emerging vitamin D biomarkers on short-term persistence of high-risk HPV among mid-adult women.

J Infect Dis 2020. Online ahead of printPublished in STI—the editor’s choice. One in five cases of with Neisseria gonorrhoeae clear spontaneouslyStudies have indicated that Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) s can resolve spontaneously without antibiotic therapy. A substudy of a randomised trial investigated 405 untreated subjects (71% men) who underwent both pretrial and enrolment NG testing at the same anatomical site (genital, pharyngeal and rectal). Based on nuclear acid amplification tests, 83 subjects (20.5%) showed clearance of the anatomical site within a median of 10 days (IQR 7–15) between tests.

Those with spontaneous clearance were less likely to have concurrent chlamydia (p=0.029) and dysuria (p=0.035), but there were no differences in age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, number of previous NG episodes, and symptoms other than dysuria between those with and without clearance. Given the high rate of spontaneous resolution, point-of-care NG testing should be considered to reduce unnecessary antibiotic treatment.Mensforth S, Ayinde OC, Ross J. Spontaneous clearance of genital and extragenital Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Data from GToG. STI 2020.

96:556–561.BackgroundReproductive aged women are at risk of both pregnancy and sexually transmitted s (STI). The modern contraceptive prevalence among married and unmarried women in South Africa is 54% and 64%, respectively, with injectable progestins being most widely used.1 Moreover, current global efforts aim towards all women having access to a range of reliable contraceptives options.2 The prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea are high among women in Africa, particularly among younger women. A recent meta-analysis of over 37 000 women estimated prevalences for chlamydia and gonorrhoea by region and population type (South Africa clinic/community-based, Eastern Africa higher-risk and Southern/Eastern Africa clinic community-based). High chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences were found among 15–24 year-old South African women and high risk populations in East Africa.3 Both chlamydia and gonorrhoea are associated with numerous comorbidities including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, increased risk of HIV and other STIs, as well as significant social harm.4While STIs are a significant global health burden, data on STI prevalence by gender and drivers of are limited, hindering an effective public health response.5 Moreover, data on the association between contraceptive use and risk of non-HIV STIs are limited. The WHO recently reported stagnation in efforts to decrease global STI incidence.5 Understanding drivers of STI acquisition, including any possible associations with widely used contraceptive methods, is necessary to effectively target public health responses that reduce STI incidence and associated comorbidities.The ECHO Trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier.

NCT02550067) was a multicentre, open-label randomised trial of 7829 HIV-seronegative women seeking effective contraception in Eswatini, Kenya, South Africa and Zambia. Detailed trial methods and results have been published.6 7 We conducted a secondary analysis of ECHO trial data to evaluate absolute and relative chlamydia and gonorrhoea final visit prevalences among women randomised to intramuscular depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-IM), a copper intrauterine device (IUD) and a levonorgestrel (LNG) implant.MethodsStudy design, participants and ethicsWomen were enrolled in the ECHO trial from December 2015 through September 2017. Institutional review boards at each site approved the study protocol and women provided written informed consent before any study procedures. In brief, women who were not pregnant, HIV-seronegative, aged 16–35 years, seeking effective contraception, without medical contraindications, willing to use the assigned method for 18 months, reported not using injectable, intrauterine or implantable contraception for the previous 6 months and reported being sexually active, were enrolled. At every visit, participants received HIV risk reduction counselling, HIV testing and STI management, condoms and, as it became a part of national standard of care, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Counselling messages related to HIV risk were implemented consistently across the three groups throughout the trial.6The trial was implemented in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice. Informed consent was obtained from participants or their parents/guardians and human experimentation guidelines of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and those of the authors' institution(s) were followed.Contraceptive exposureAt enrolment, women were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to DMPA-IM, copper IUD or LNG implant.6 Participants received an injection of 150 mg/mL DMPA-IM (Depo Provera. Pfizer, Puurs, Belgium) at enrolment and every 3 months until the final visit at 18 months after enrolment, a copper IUD (Optima TCu380A. Injeflex, Sao Paolo, Brazil) or a LNG implant (Jadelle. Bayer, Turku, Finland) at enrolment.

Women returned for follow-up visits at 1 month after enrolment to address initial contraceptive side-effects and every 3 months thereafter, for up to 18 months with later enrolling participants contributing 12 to 18 months of follow-up. Visits included HIV serological testing, contraceptive counselling, syndromic STI management and safety monitoring.STI outcomesThe primary outcomes of this secondary analysis were prevalent chlamydia and gonorrhoea at the final visit. Syndromic STI management was provided at screening and all follow-up visits. Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was conducted at screening and final visits, at the visit of HIV detection for participants who became HIV infected and at clinical discretion. Any untreated participants with positive NAAT results were contacted to return to the study clinic for treatment.CovariatesAt baseline (inclusive of screening and enrolment visits), we collected demographic, sexual and reproductive risk behaviour and reproductive and contraceptive history data.

Baseline risk factors evaluated as covariates included age, whether the participant earned her own income, chlamydia and gonorrhoea status, herpes simplex propecia type 2 (HSV-2) sero-status and suspected PID. Final visit factors evaluated as covariates included number of sex partners in the past 3 months, number of new sex partners in the past 3 months, HIV serostatus, HSV-2 serostatus, condom use in the past 3 months, sex exchanged for money/gifts, sex during vaginal bleeding, follow-up time and number of pelvic examinations during follow-up. Age and HSV-2 serostatus were evaluated for effect measure modification.Statistical analysisWe conducted analyses using R V.3.5.3 (Vienna, Austria), and log-binomial regression to estimate chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences within each contraceptive group and pairwise prevalence ratios (PR) between each arm in as-randomised and consistent use analyses.In the as-randomised analysis, we analysed participants by the contraceptive method assigned at randomisation independent of method adherence. We estimated crude point prevalences by arm and study site and pairwise adjusted PRs.In the consistent use analysis, we only included women who initiated use of their randomised contraceptive method and maintained randomised method adherence throughout follow-up. We estimated crude point prevalences by arm and pairwise adjusted PRs, with evaluation of age and HSV-2 status first as potential effect measure modifiers, and all covariates above as potential confounders.

Study site and age were retained buy propecia from canada in the final model. Other covariates were retained if their inclusion in the base model led to a 10% change in the effect estimate through backwards selection.Supplementary analysesAdditional supporting analyses to assess postrandomisation potential sources of bias were conducted to inform interpretation of results. These include evaluation of recent sexual behaviour at enrolment, month 9 and the final visit. Cohort participation (ie, follow-up time, early discontinuation and timing of randomised method discontinuation) and health outcomes (ie, final visit HIV and HSV-2 status) and frequency and results of pelvic examinations by STI status, site and visit month by randomised arm.ResultsA total of 7829 women were randomly assigned as follows. 2609 to the DMPA-IM group, 2607 to the copper IUD group and 2613 to the LNG implant group (figure 1).

Participants were excluded if they were HIV positive at enrolment, did not have at least one HIV test or did not have chlamydia and gonorrhoea test results at the final visit. Overall, 90%, 94% and 93% from the DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant groups, respectively, were included in analyses.Study profile. DMPA-IM, depot medroxy progesterone acetate. IUD, intrauterine device. LNG, levonorgestrel." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 1 Study profile.

DMPA-IM, depot medroxy progesterone acetate. IUD, intrauterine device. LNG, levonorgestrel.Participant characteristicsBaseline characteristics were similar across groups (table 1). Nearly two-third of enrolled women (63%) were aged 24 and younger and 5768 (74%) of the study population resided in South Africa.View this table:Table 1 Participant baseline and final visit characteristicsThe duration of participation averaged 16 months with no differences between randomised groups (table 1). A total of 1468 (19%) women either did not receive their randomised method or discontinued use during follow-up.

Overall method continuation rates were high with minimal differences between randomised groups when measured by person-years.6 The proportion, however, of method non-adherence as defined in this analysis (ie, did not receive randomised method at baseline or discontinued randomised method at any point during follow-up), was greater in the DMPA-IM group (26%), followed by the copper IUD (18%) and LNG implant (12%) groups. Timing of discontinuation also differed across methods. During the first 6 months, method discontinuation was highest in the copper IUD group (7%) followed closely by DMPA-IM (6%) and LNG implant (4%) groups. Between 7 and 12 months of follow-up, it was highest in DMPA-IM group (15%), with equivalent proportions in the LNG implant (5%) and copper IUD (5%) groups.Point prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visitsIn total, 18% of women had chlamydia at baseline (figure 2A) and 15% at the final visit. Among women 24 years and younger, 22% and 20% had chlamydia at baseline and final visits, respectively.

Women aged 25–35 at baseline were less likely to have chlamydia at both baseline (12%) and final visits (8%) compared with younger women. Baseline chlamydia prevalence ranged from 5% in Zambia to 28% in the Western Cape, South Africa (figure 2B).Point prevalence (per 100 persons) of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visit by age category and study site region. Y-axis scale differs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea figures." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 2 Point prevalence (per 100 persons) of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at baseline and final visit by age category and study site region. Y-axis scale differs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea figures.Among all women, 5% had gonorrhoea at baseline and the final visit (figure 2C). Women aged 24 and younger were more likely to have gonorrhoea compared with women aged 25 and older at both baseline (5% vs 4%, respectively) and the final visit (6% vs 3%, respectively).

Baseline gonorrhoea prevalence ranged from 3% in Zambia and Kenya to 9% in the Western Cape, South Africa (figure 2D). Similar prevalences were observed at the final visit.Point prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea at final visit by randomised contraceptive methodFourteen per cent of women randomised to DMPA-IM, 15% to copper IUD and 17% to LNG implant had chlamydia at the final visit (table 2).View this table:Table 2 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae prevalence at final visitThe prevalence of chlamydia did not significantly differ between DMPA-IM and copper IUD groups (PR 0.90, 95% CI (0.79 to 1.04)) or between copper IUD and LNG implant groups (PR 0.92, 95% CI (0.81 to 1.04)). Women in the DMPA-IM group, however, had a significantly lower risk of chlamydia compared with the LNG implant group (PR. 0.83, 95% CI (0.72 to 0.95)). Findings from the consistent use analysis were similar, and neither age nor HSV-2 status modified the observed associations.Four per cent of women randomised to DMPA-IM, 6% to copper IUD and 5% to LNG implant had gonorrhoea at the final visit (table 2).

Gonorrhoea prevalence did not significantly differ between DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups (PR. 0.79, 95% CI (0.61 to 1.03)) or between copper IUD and LNG implant groups (PR. 1.18, 95% CI (0.93 to 1.49)). Women in the DMPA-IM group had a significantly lower risk of gonorrhoea compared with women in the copper IUD group (PR. 0.67, 95% CI (0.52 to 0.87)).

Results from as randomised and continuous use analyses did not differ. And again, neither age nor HSV-2 status modified the observed associations.Clinical assessment by randomised contraceptive methodTo assess the potential for outcome ascertainment bias, we evaluated the frequency of pelvic examinations and abdominal/pelvic pain and discharge by study arm. Women in the copper IUD group were generally more likely to receive a pelvic examination during follow-up as compared with women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups (online supplemental appendix 1). Similarly, abdominal/pelvic pain on examination or abnormal discharge was observed most frequently in the copper IUD group. The number of pelvic examinations met the prespecified criteria for retention in the adjusted gonorrhoea model but not in the chlamydia model.Supplemental materialFrequency of syndromic symptoms and potential reAmong women who had chlamydia at baseline, 23% were also positive at the final visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3A).

Nine per cent of gonorrhoea-positive women at baseline were also positive at the final visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3B). Across both baseline and final visits, a minority of women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea presented with signs and/or symptoms. Among chlamydia-positive women, only 12% presented with either abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain at their test-positive visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3C). Similarly, only 15% of gonorrhoea-positive women presented with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain at their test-positive visit (online supplemental appendix 2, figure 3D).Potential re and symptoms among women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Data are pooled across the screening and final visits in figures (C) and (D).

Symptomatic is defined as presenting with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain. Final visit is described as potential re because test of cure was not conducted following baseline diagnosis and treatment." data-icon-position data-hide-link-title="0">Figure 3 Potential re and symptoms among women with chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Data are pooled across the screening and final visits in figures (C) and (D). Symptomatic is defined as presenting with abnormal vaginal discharge and/or abdominal/pelvic pain. Final visit is described as potential re because test of cure was not conducted following baseline diagnosis and treatment.DiscussionWe observed differences in final prevalences of chlamydia and gonorrhoea by contraceptive group in both as-randomised and consistent-use analyses.

The DMPA-IM group had lower final visit chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences as compared with copper IUD and LNG implant groups, though only the DMPA-IM versus the copper IUD comparison of gonorrhoea and DMPA-IM versus LNG implant comparison of chlamydia reached statistical significance. These are novel findings that have not previously been reported to our knowledge and were determined in a randomised trial setting with high participant retention, robust biomarker testing and high randomised method adherence. Interestingly, the copper IUD group had higher gonorrhoea and lower chlamydia prevalence compared with the LNG implant group, though neither finding was statistically significant.Two recent systematic reviews of the association between contraceptives and STIs found inconsistent and insufficient evidence on the association between the contraceptive methods under study in ECHO and chlamydia and gonorrhoea.8 9 Neither systematic review identified any randomised studies or any direct comparative evidence for DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant, thus enabling a unique scientific contribution from this secondary trial analysis. Nonetheless, these findings should be interpreted in light of biological plausibility, as well as the design strengths and limitations of this analysis.The emerging science on the biological mechanisms underlying HIV susceptibility demonstrates the complex relationship between the infectious pathogen, the host innate and adaptive immune response and the interaction of both with the vaginal microbiome and other -omes. Data on these factors in relationship to chlamydia and gonorrhoea acquisition are much more limited but can be assumed to be equally complex.

Vaginal microbiome composition, including microbial metabolic by-products, have been shown to significantly modify risk of HIV acquisition and to vary with exogenous hormone exposure, menstrual cycle phase, ethnicity and geography.10–12 These same biological principles likely apply to chlamydia and gonorrhoea susceptibility. While DMPA-IM has been associated with decreased bacterial vaginosis (BV), initiation of the copper IUD has been associated with increased BV prevalence, and BV is associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea acquisition.13 14 Moreover, Lactobacillus crispatus, which is less abundant in BV, has been shown to inhibit HeLa cell by Chlamydia trachomatis and inhibits growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in animal models.15 16 In addition, microbial community state types that are deficient in Lactobacillus crispatus and/or dominated by dysbiotic species are associated with inflammation, which is a driver of both STI and HIV susceptibility. Thus, while the exact mechanisms of chlamydia and gonorrhoea in the presence of exogenous hormones and varying host microbiomes are unknown, it is biologically plausible that these complex factors may result in differential susceptibility to chlamydia and gonorrhoea among DMPA-IM, copper IUD and LNG implant users.An alternative explanation for these findings may be postrandomisation differences in clinical care and/or sexual behaviour. Participants in the copper IUD arm were more likely to have pelvic examinations and more likely to have discharge compared with women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant groups. While interim STI testing and/or treatment were not documented, women in the copper IUD arm may have been more likely to receive syndromic STI treatment during follow-up due to more examination and observed discharge.

More frequent STI treatment in the copper IUD group would theoretically lower the final visit point prevalence relative to women in the DMPA-IM and LNG implant arms, suggesting that the observed lower risk of STI in the DMPA-IM arm is not due to differential examination, testing and treatment. Differential sexual risk behaviour may also have influenced the results. As reported previously, women in the DMPA-IM group less frequently reported condomless sex and multiple partners than women in the other groups, and both DMPA-IM and LNG implant users less frequently reported new partners and sex during menses than copper IUD users.6 Statistical control of self-reported sexual risk behaviour in the consistent-use analysis may have been inadequate if self-reported sexual behaviour was inaccurately or insufficiently reported.A second alternative explanation may be differences in randomised method non-adherence, which was greater in the DMPA-IM group, compared with copper IUD and LNG implant groups. Yet, the consistency of findings in the as-randomised and continuous use analyses suggests that method non-adherence had minimal effect on study outcomes. Taken as a whole, these findings indicate that there may be real differences in chlamydia and gonorrhoea risk associated with use of DMPA-IM, the copper IUD and LNG implant.

However, any true differential risk by method must be evaluated in light of the holistic benefits and risks of each method.The high observed chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences, despite intensive counselling and condom provision, warrants attention, particularly among women ages 24 years and younger and among women in South Africa and Eswatini. While the ECHO study was conducted in settings of high HIV/STI incidence, enrolment criteria did not purposefully target women at highest risk of HIV/STI in the trial communities, suggesting that the observed prevalences may be broadly applicable to women seeking effective contraception in those settings. Improved approaches are needed to prevent STIs, including options for expedited partner treatment, to prevent re.As expected, few women testing positive for chlamydia or gonorrhoea presented with symptoms (12% and 15%, respectively), and a substantial proportion of women who were positive and treated at baseline were infected at the final visit despite syndromic management during the follow-up. Given that syndromic management is the standard of care within primary health facilities in most trial settings, these data suggest that a large proportion of among reproductive aged women is missed, exacerbating the burden of curable STIs and associated morbidities. Routine access to more reliable diagnostics, like NAAT and novel point-of-care diagnostic tests, will be key to managing asymptomatic STIs and reducing STI prevalence and related morbidities in these settings.17This secondary analysis of the ECHO trial has strengths and limitations.

Strengths include the randomised design with comparator groups of equal STI baseline risk. Participants had high adherence to their randomised contraceptive method.6 While all participants received standardised clinical care and counselling, the unblinded randomisation may have allowed postrandomisation differences in STI risk over time by method. It is possible that participants modified their risk-taking behaviour based on study counselling messages regarding the potential association between DMPA-IM and HIV.In conclusion, our analyses suggest that DMPA-IM users may have lower risk of chlamydia and gonorrhoea compared with LNG implant and copper IUD users, respectively. Further investigation is warranted to better understand the mechanisms of chlamydia and gonorrhoea susceptibility in the context of contraceptive use. Moreover, the high chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences in this population, independent of contraceptive method, warrants urgent attention.Key messagesThe prevalence of chlamydia and gonorrhoea varied by contraceptive method in this randomised trial.High chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalences, despite intensive counselling and condom provision, warrants attention, particularly among young women in South Africa and Eswatini.Most chlamydia and gonorrhoea s were asymptomatic.

Therefore, routine access to reliable diagnostics are needed to effectively manage and prevent STIs in African women..

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For these reasons, melittin may be useful in tackling diseases like cancer, hair loss treatment and Lyme, along with s like HIV.But labs have struggled to conceive drug delivery methods over the past two decades because melittin quickly degrades in blood and is difficult to target toward specific cells. A pioneering breakthrough may come from chemist and bioengineer Dipanjan Pan, who is currently looking into a melittin-based cancer therapy with his lab at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and University of Maryland School of Medicine.Amid calls for safer, more successful cancer treatments, Pan inspected toad, scorpion and bee venom for answers. €œThe philosophy of my research is biomimetics, or bringing inspiration from Mother propecia cream Nature,” he says. These animal poisons include toxins like melittin, which is considered a host defense peptide. Most multicellular organisms have these peptides to ward off disease, including humans, but only some creatures weaponize propecia cream them in the form of powerful venom.

Funnily enough, this toxin could end up saving human lives. And it isn’t particularly difficult to create synthetic melittin in a lab, Pan says, which is optimal for drug development due to its convenience, quality control, and relative safety compared to crude natural sources. The real propecia cream challenge. Designing an effective delivery method that squashes cancer growth but leaves surrounding cells healthy. Chemotherapy, for example, commonly causes patients propecia cream to lose their hair because it damages follicles in the process.

€œThat has been the key bottleneck in targeted [cancer] therapy,” he adds. €œIt boils propecia cream down to. How can we make these venom peptides more selective and targeted to the cancer cell?. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”While at the University of Illinois, Pan's lab made headlines in 2014 after injecting melittin into nanoparticles that can attach to cancer cells. This method may be particularly beneficial in stomping out lingering cells that resist chemotherapy, the team propecia cream proposed.

Pan’s latest research, which was published in 2017, revealed that peptides like melittin could work by interfering with the DNA transcription that’s associated with cancer spread. Another promising propecia cream bee venom component. An enzyme called phospholipase A2, or PLA2, which is also found in venoms from animals, including snakes. Like melittin, these enzymes have also been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties. Even more, PLA2 propecia cream could mitigate Parkinson’s disease by reducing brain inflammation.

Still, this evidence largely comes from studies on mice.It isn’t yet clear how exactly phospholipase A2, or other components of bee venom, could tackle neurodegenerative conditions. The proposed mechanisms are propecia cream largely speculation, says E. Paul Cherniack, a geriatrician and internal medicine professor at the University of Arizona who has written reviews on bee venom acupuncture and other crawly critters’ medicinal potential.It’s also possible that melittin and PLA2 could work synergistically to treat conditions like cancer and bacterial s, which could explain bee venom’s broader impacts.The Pros of Propolis and HoneyPropolis, another practical bee product, is a resin-like mixture made by bees that’s composed of material from tree buds and their own saliva. They use it propecia cream to build hives, but humans have long adapted the substance for their own benefit. Hippocrates may have applied it to wounds and ulcers, and it was listed as an official drug in 17th-century Britain.

During World War II, Soviet clinics used propolis to treat tuberculosis. Nowadays, you can find propolis incorporated into products like lotion, shampoo, ointment and propecia cream toothpaste. Researchers are now looking to define propolis’ drug potential via cell, animal and, increasingly, human studies. It may strengthen the immune system and could fight propecia cream damage from hazards like free radicals. After all, research indicates bees that produce higher amounts of propolis lead healthier, relatively longer lives.Relatively small human trials have suggested that standardized doses of propolis are safe and could help alleviate ailments like diabetes, respiratory tract s, asthma and chronic kidney disease.

Of course, larger studies are needed to confirm these results.Chemical compounds within propolis called polyphenols, which are naturally found in plants and therefore various foods and drinks (including wine), may explain some of these advantages. €œSome of these polyphenols have been studied for a whole host of things, like treatments of various propecia cream kinds of cancer and even to [slow] the aging process itself,” Cherniack says. €œPolyphenols might even be useful even in affecting neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases … anything involving inflammation.”They’re also present in honey, a tasty food that may even play a role in protecting people from the harmful effects of radiation. Yet it’s propecia cream difficult to discern how exactly the human body processes polyphenols, which limits scientists’ ability to develop drugs harnessing them specifically. It could therefore help to focus on administering propolis in controlled doses.

Pollinating the Medical FieldDespite the wide range of possible bee-derived treatments, we’re still far from an embrace by mainstream medicine. For one, researchers like Pan are still formulating how to safely and effectively utilize propecia cream agents like melittin. In the case of cancer treatment, the goal is to design the nanoparticles containing melittin to activate only when they reach the cells of concern, Pan says. To complicate things, the body will likely try propecia cream to reject these foreign objects — an issue he’s currently trying to work around.Some teams have looked into gene therapy, which would introduce genes into people’s bodies that are coded to deliver melittin to cancer cells. Others have considered giving patients IV doses of melittin engineered to bind with these cells.Yet the drug development process can take nearly two decades, Pan notes, when you factor in the numerous phases before possible FDA approval.

The entire venture can cost hundreds of millions of dollars (sometimes in the billion range), and cancer research has struggled for funding propecia cream amid federal spending cuts and propecia-driven financial shortfalls.Pan has encountered skeptical study reviewers who wince at the mention of bee venom, despite the use of isolated peptides that don’t carry the same dangers as the real thing. Still, he says, the evidence speaks for itself. €œThey have been proven, pre-clinically at least, with a strong efficacy,” he says. €œThese are tremendous results, but we do struggle getting funding for this kind of research.”In 1968, researchers from the Royal College of General Practitioners began tracking approximately 46,000 women in the United Kingdom — half of whom actively used the birth control pill and propecia cream half of whom had never used it. Follow-up reports on the study, one of the world’s largest continuing explorations into the health effects of hormonal contraception, suggested that pill users have a significantly lower rate of death from cancers and other diseases but a higher rate of death from something surprising.

Violence.The longer they’d been on the pill, the more likely propecia cream this fate became. Those who’d been on the pill for more than eight years had an increased risk of 116 percent. It’s a small finding, but significant enough that chance couldn’t explain it.According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, approximately 151 million women worldwide used the pill as a method of contraception in 2019. Despite this, there’s still propecia cream a lot we don’t know about it. As new data is collected, Philip Hannaford, corresponding author of the study and a professor emeritus of primary care at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, continues to see the same violent death statistics.

He just can’t explain why.Partner PreferencesBecause intimate partner violence accounts for more than a third of women murdered in the United States, a new review published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience argues that many propecia cream of these violent deaths likely occurred at the hands of romantic partners.Lisa Welling, an associate professor of psychology at Oakland University, studies the influence of hormones on behavior. She’s found that contraceptive pill users tend to use more tactics to keep their relationship afloat — as do their partners. €œJealousy is propecia cream a normal reaction people have in response to a potential or perceived threat to their relationship,” she says. €œIt’s an early warning system so we can take steps to correct issues before a break-up."One way jealousy can be expressed is through mate-retention behaviors, which are any behaviors that might be engaged to keep a partner from straying. This can include buying a partner a gift or complementing them, Welling says, but it can also mean violence.She agrees that the pill could be influencing whom women chose as their romantic partners.

However, she doubts that hormonal propecia cream changes are to blame for the relationship between the pill and violent deaths. For one, research shows that pill-users prefer less masculine men, who studies have found are less likely to be perpetrators of violent crime. €œWomen prefer more masculine males propecia cream when they’re fertile, but the contraceptive pill keeps a steady dose of hormones that mimics the phase when they’re already ovulated," Welling says. "So you don’t tend to see fluctuations in hormones across the cycle, and therefore you don’t see the same subtle changes in preferences.”Correlation or Causation?. Another possible explanation is that people tend to have more jealous reactions when their estrogen levels are higher, a hormone that the combined pill (the most commonly prescribed pill) contains along with progesterone.

€œSome say [adding in estrogen] more closely approximates the ratio of progesterone and estrogen of a natural menstrual cycle,” Welling says, “but really, it’s added in to help deal with the pill’s side effects.”These synthetic hormones have propecia cream also been found to affect how satisfied users are with their relationship. A 2014 study showed that people might see a change in their relationship dynamics and a drop in satisfaction if they go off the pill, or start it during a relationship, Welling says — although there is limited support for this theory. While some argue that these hormones dangerously alter preference in a partner, most researchers agree propecia cream there isn’t enough evidence to draw that conclusion. Instead, there could be alternative explanations for Hannaford’s findings.For instance, a 2002 study found that women using oral contraception, on average, reported a greater number of sexual partners across their lifetimes. Typically, Welling says, higher numbers propecia cream of sexual partners encompass unattached encounters as well, referred to as casual sex.

"And research backs up that women who engage in more casual sex are often more likely victims of crime,” she says, emphasizing that she’s not blaming the victims.Hannaford agrees that alternative explanations for the association he found must be considered. It’s more likely, for example, that the women in his study who were on the pill were in relationships, more likely to be risk-takers or accident-prone, he says. In fact, Hannaford propecia cream doesn’t think we’ll ever truly know if the pill causes women to pick partners who will go on to kill them, or if there’s another reason for the correlation. €œIt’s very unlikely we’ll ever know the biology enough,” he says. €œIt’s a very difficult thing to study, partly because the outcome is so rare — we’re propecia cream talking about six per 100,000 women.”And don’t expect to hear this statistic at your next doctor appointment.

While Hannaford acknowledges that it’s important for pill-users to be informed of any risks, he says the main concern he discusses with anyone contemplating the pill is venous thrombosis [caused by blood clots]. Welling agrees, adding that, although 116 percent is a significant statistical effect, it’s not significant enough for doctors to be warning their patients about until the theory is backed up by two or three more datasets.(Inside Science) — It doesn't take much to nudge people into making healthier choices at the grocery store -- just removing confectionery and other unhealthy products from checkouts and the ends of nearby aisles and placing fruit and vegetables near store entrances have a real impact on what people buy. That's the key finding from a new study published last week in the journal propecia cream PLOS Medicine. Very few people in the U.K. (and around the globe) eat enough fruit and vegetables, said Christine Vogel, a public health nutrition researcher propecia cream at Southampton University, who co-authored the study.

Instead of blaming consumers or the cost of fresh food, Vogel said, she is really interested in looking at the food environment -- the places where people get their food, especially supermarkets where many families buy most of what they eat. Vogel and her colleagues focused on the food choices made by women of childbearing age. Some of their early findings showed that the food environment was important, propecia cream particularly for women who had poor dietary choices. Vogel reached out to a discount supermarket chain called Iceland, which she said is quite heavily used by families who are more vulnerable economically and by younger adults who tend to have poorer quality diets. She pitched them a plan to change the store layout slightly to encourage propecia cream the purchase of healthy food.In the study, the chain removed confectionery items from the checkouts and from the ends of the aisles near the checkout areas in three stores for six months each.

Instead, they stocked those areas with nonfood items like deodorant, water, and toothpaste and expanded the fruit and vegetable sections near the entrances of the stores. They compared the buying habits of consumers at those stores with those propecia cream of consumers at stores that made no change but had similar clientele. The study showed that increasing the range of fresh fruit and vegetables and placing them in an expanded area at the front of the store increased customer purchases of fruit and vegetables in a substantial way. The increase added up to almost 10,000 additional portions of fruit and vegetables per week per store, which Vogel said could be translated into significant improvements in population diet. The study also found there were 1,500 fewer portions of confectionery purchased each week in each store -- a significant reduction in foods high in fat, sugar or salt.The study also tracked customers that use the supermarkets regularly, analyzing loyalty card data to see what they placed propecia cream in their shopping baskets.

The researchers tracked them over nine months and found that the women -- whom the researchers focused on because they often are the ones who purchase food for a household -- who shopped at the healthier stores purchased more fruit and vegetables, and this also translated into a healthier diet when they answered surveys about what they were eating. Vogel said propecia cream the findings provide some additional support for the U.K. Government's intention to ban the sale of foods high in fat, salt or sugar at the front of the store, because it will reduce the number of occasions that customers can interact with those foods. Other interventions, like adding signage about healthy options, has a far smaller effect in studies, Vogel said. The findings from the study affirm other research suggesting that food environments matter and supermarkets can do more to propecia cream encourage healthy choices without compromising the bottom line, said Allison Karpyn, who co-directs the Center for Research Education and Social Policy at the University of Delaware.

"Oftentimes small changes in supermarkets such as placing products in a different part of the store, or on a different shelf, or with a larger tag, can result in significant shifts in what shoppers buy -- often without the shopper even realizing it," she said. "And while the results might seem modest, if you multiply impacts across communities, the potential to improve public health is large." Vogel said propecia cream the next steps in her research include more digging into the effect of placing nonfood items at the checkout, since that's where many impulse purchases are made. Reducing impulsive purchases, she said, "is a way to reduce the opportunity for individuals and families to have added unnecessary calories." This story was published on Inside Science. Read the original propecia cream here.Around 440,000 people in the U.S. Use a gastrostomy tube (also called a G-tube), according to 2013 data.

It can replace or supplement oral feedings by delivering water, food and drugs to the stomach, where a G-tube is surgically, radiographically or endoscopically placed.I use one myself. Eating was always a chore for me propecia cream because I have several disabilities from a childhood brain tumor. Many of my recent hospital visits have been due to pneumonia. But after a lengthy stay in the ICU and months of swallow therapy, I decided to put a G-tube in because it would be safer propecia cream for my lungs and conserve energy from the laborious task of eating — and it would be healthier than my past diet.There’s two kinds of G-tubes. One is called a ‘conventional tube’ and is about six inches long.

It’s floppy like a noodle, and is coiled and taped to the torso. Therefore, it can unfortunately build propecia cream up residue and irritate skin. This type is most frequently stocked in hospitals. It’s used while the body forms a feeding channel between the stomach and propecia cream skin. Elderly people tend to need it the most because they more often require nutritional support.This conventional model can render physical movement difficult or painful, and some health care providers assume that older people are less active.

Still, people with G-tubes (regardless of age) deserve to partake in daily activities like errands and fitness classes. The other type — a ‘low-profile Mic-key tube’ — must be ordered by a hospital and is meant for a younger, more propecia cream active population. A part of the Mic-key called a ‘button’ sticks out an inch from the stomach. The button has a hole in which an extension tube is propecia cream twisted and locked into place. Then, a syringe is connected at the other end for feeding.

While most people use a G-tube for a short amount of time while recovering from an propecia cream injury or experiencing a serious illness, some have it permanently implanted. Despite their advantages, these devices can endanger patients. Due to allergy and sensitivity problems, digestive or absorption issues, or a rejection of the enteral feeding, about three in 10 individuals experience Enteral Feeding Intolerance (EFI). This can result in pneumonia and other propecia cream serious complications. And the Mic-key tube needs to be replaced every six months because it may become blocked, dislodged or degraded.The G-tube’s supply and safety issues have prompted a new approach.

Last July, Belgium-based manufacturer VIPUN and Baxter Inc., one of propecia cream the country’s biggest medical suppliers, announced a partnership to create a smart feeding tube. What will make a smart G-tube ‘smart’ is its ability to measure stomach motility (or movement) for clinicians.This specialized G-tube will certainly help prevent nurses and doctors from getting liquids and medications into patients’ lungs. Still, the claim is somewhat misleading because Baxter solely focuses on the amount of liquid in the stomach, not the content. If a patient gets sick from one ingredient, it likely doesn’t matter if their stomach is completely full or half full.With the increase of smart biotech products like Dexcom, which measures glucose levels, and Fitbit’s oxygen and heart rate monitoring, it’s fair to say the wearables market is ramping up propecia cream — giants like Cardinal Health are also looking into a smart G-tube design. And while many people see the equipment's invasive nature as a disadvantage, it may actually render it the next biotechnology breakthrough.A proper smart G-tube would not have its information distorted by the skin.

Hypothetically, the data could be accessed through an propecia cream encrypted app like Signal, and sent to medical professionals in real time. This technology is already life-saving, but it could be more so if the individual is unconscious or unable to communicate.Another worrying aspect of the G-tube experience is the environmental waste it creates. From formula propecia cream cartons to syringes, all of the associated products should be made from biodegradable materials to decrease their toxic impact on our world. We have already witnessed how medical equipment takes its toll on the Earth. Currently, tube extensions are made of polyurethane or silicone and need to be replaced every six months.

These materials propecia cream are then destined for a landfill. If a smart G-tube had an extension like a rubber straw that only required replacement once or twice every several years, we could cut down on waste.A smart G-tube may sound far-fetched, but plenty of people spend their lives with a pace-maker or Inspire device (which is used to treat sleep apnea) inside their bodies. In 2019, the global feeding tube market propecia cream was valued at $2.5 billion. That figure may grow to $4.2 billion by 2027. Numbers aside, a robust smart G-tube should be made simply because it will improve hundreds of thousands of people’s quality of life.

And if we can land the Perseverance rover 38 million propecia cream miles away at 1,200 miles per hour, we can make a G-tube that's flush with the skin.As Earth’s climate heats up, extreme heat events will become more likely. According to a recent study, by 2100 extreme heat and humidity will affect 1.2 billion people worldwide — more than four times the number of people affected today. And those propecia cream effects can be deadly. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 166,000 people died as a result of heatwaves between 1998 and 2017. Seventy thousand propecia cream of those died in just one summer, during Europe’s 2003 heatwave.

In the U.S. Alone, heat kills more than 600 people each year.So yes, heat kills. But how? propecia cream. Overwhelming the SystemsRemarkably, the human body operates within a very narrow range of temperatures. That range varies a little propecia cream from person to person, but not all that much.

The body has clever ways of maintaining that optimal temperature range, which is why we stay at a more or less steady internal body temperature winter and summer, indoors and out. However, there’s a limit to what the body can deal with. Prolonged exposure to very high temperatures can throw that control system out of propecia cream whack. Daniel Henning is an emergency room physician at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. He’s seen a lot propecia cream of heat illness in his career, especially this summer.

He explains that when the body gets too hot, the mechanisms it has for keeping the temperature in the safety zone can get overwhelmed. When the skin gets hot, the blood vessels just underneath the skin get hot, too. That too-warm propecia cream blood is circulated deeper into the body’s core. This triggers the body’s built-in cooling system. Sweating.

As sweat seeps — or sometimes pours — out of the skin, it evaporates, thus cooling the skin and the blood vessels underneath. Your core body temperature comes back down.However, if you’re exposed to really high temperatures for a long enough time, your body may not be able to produce enough sweat to keep your body temperature under control. (This can also be exacerbated if you’re already dehydrated, which is why it’s especially important to drink plenty of water when it’s hot.)When sweating isn’t enough, your body has to work even harder to cool you down. The heart beats faster, trying to get the heat that’s built up in the core back to the surface where it can be cooled. The kidneys have to work harder, too.When the body’s core temperature reaches 40° C (104° F), you’re in real trouble.

At this point you have hyperthermia, sometimes called heat stroke, and the bad news just keeps coming. Your proteins and enzymes start breaking down. Your gut can begin to leak toxins into the bloodstream, creating a kind of sepsis. The immune system can begin producing an inflammatory reaction that further damages your organs. €œUsually,” says Henning, “by the time you've gotten to these really high temperatures, all of these things are happening simultaneously.”Even if you get into serious trouble from extreme heat, with prompt treatment you can still survive.

But without it, your odds are not good. High RiskSeveral factors increase the risk of heat stroke. Being dehydrated, being obese, having certain medical conditions (such as heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, or opioid use disorder), taking certain medications (such as diuretics, beta blockers, and antidepressants), and drinking alcohol.Construction workers, farmers, athletes, and other people who work or play outside are also at higher risk for hyperthermia, as are young children. However, most deaths from heat are among older people who live in homes without air conditioning, in part because older people are more likely to have one or more of the above risk factors.What should you do to stay safe during extreme heat events?. Stay inside an air-conditioned building.

Drink plenty of water. If you do have to be outside, do it early in the day, stop for frequent breaks, and don’t overdo it. Sounds simple enough. But for many people those aren’t options. Poor people, who often have to work outdoors and are less likely to have access to air conditioning, are the most vulnerable.Jeremy J.

Hess, Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the University of Washington, is a lead author on several climate-change assessments, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. He says that as the world continues to heat up, we can expect increases in the frequency, severity, and sometimes duration of extreme heat events. That means more people will be exposed to dangerous levels of heat. We can save lives, but to do that, we will have to take action to reduce the risks to those who are most vulnerable. €œIn a lot of places, we're seeing these exposures increase faster than the protections,” he says.

One of the many challenges of the changing climate is how to keep the vulnerable safe from deadly heat..

For around 3,000 years, people have sought out what do i need to buy propecia bee venom for its numerous Levitra cheapest price health benefits when coupled with acupuncture, or even from a purposeful sting. While it may sound like a nightmare for some (particularly those with allergies), evidence increasingly suggests that a range of bee-derived substances can help address medical conditions that lack highly effective treatments.Intentional bee stings can of course come with some significant hazards like anaphylaxis and even death. That’s why researchers are taking the sting out of the equation by isolating what do i need to buy propecia the most important components in bee products as they search for innovative drugs.Bees As Pharmacists Bee venom contains several ingredients with pharmaceutical potential. These include melittin, a peptide found in the European honey bee’s venom that has attracted scientists’ attention since the 1950s. It’s now believed to confer a host what do i need to buy propecia of benefits, including immune system regulation and anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

For these reasons, melittin may be useful in tackling diseases like cancer, hair loss treatment and Lyme, along with s like HIV.But labs have struggled to conceive drug delivery methods over the past two decades because melittin quickly degrades in blood and is difficult to target toward specific cells. A pioneering breakthrough may come from chemist and bioengineer Dipanjan Pan, who is currently looking into a melittin-based cancer therapy with his lab at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and University of Maryland School of Medicine.Amid calls for safer, more successful cancer treatments, Pan inspected toad, scorpion and bee venom for answers. €œThe philosophy of my research is biomimetics, or bringing inspiration what do i need to buy propecia from Mother Nature,” he says. These animal poisons include toxins like melittin, which is considered a host defense peptide. Most multicellular organisms have these peptides to ward off disease, including humans, what do i need to buy propecia but only some creatures weaponize them in the form of powerful venom.

Funnily enough, this toxin could end up saving human lives. And it isn’t particularly difficult to create synthetic melittin in a lab, Pan says, which is optimal for drug development due to its convenience, quality control, and relative safety compared to crude natural sources. The real what do i need to buy propecia challenge. Designing an effective delivery method that squashes cancer growth but leaves surrounding cells healthy. Chemotherapy, for example, commonly causes patients to lose their hair because it damages follicles in what do i need to buy propecia the process.

€œThat has been the key bottleneck in targeted [cancer] therapy,” he adds. €œIt boils what do i need to buy propecia down to. How can we make these venom peptides more selective and targeted to the cancer cell?. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”While at the University of Illinois, Pan's lab made headlines in 2014 after injecting melittin into nanoparticles that can attach to cancer cells. This method may be particularly beneficial in stomping out lingering cells that resist chemotherapy, the team what do i need to buy propecia proposed.

Pan’s latest research, which was published in 2017, revealed that peptides like melittin could work by interfering with the DNA transcription that’s associated with cancer spread. Another promising what do i need to buy propecia bee venom component. An enzyme called phospholipase A2, or PLA2, which is also found in venoms from animals, including snakes. Like melittin, these enzymes have also been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties. Even more, PLA2 could mitigate Parkinson’s disease by reducing brain inflammation what do i need to buy propecia.

Still, this evidence largely comes from studies on mice.It isn’t yet clear how exactly phospholipase A2, or other components of bee venom, could tackle neurodegenerative conditions. The proposed mechanisms are what do i need to buy propecia largely speculation, says E. Paul Cherniack, a geriatrician and internal medicine professor at the University of Arizona who has written reviews on bee venom acupuncture and other crawly critters’ medicinal potential.It’s also possible that melittin and PLA2 could work synergistically to treat conditions like cancer and bacterial s, which could explain bee venom’s broader impacts.The Pros of Propolis and HoneyPropolis, another practical bee product, is a resin-like mixture made by bees that’s composed of material from tree buds and their own saliva. They use it to what do i need to buy propecia build hives, but humans have long adapted the substance for their own benefit. Hippocrates may have applied it to wounds and ulcers, and it was listed as an official drug in 17th-century Britain.

During World War II, Soviet clinics used propolis to treat tuberculosis. Nowadays, you can find propolis incorporated into products what do i need to buy propecia like lotion, shampoo, ointment and toothpaste. Researchers are now looking to define propolis’ drug potential via cell, animal and, increasingly, human studies. It may strengthen the immune system and could fight damage from hazards like what do i need to buy propecia free radicals. After all, research indicates bees that produce higher amounts of propolis lead healthier, relatively longer lives.Relatively small human trials have suggested that standardized doses of propolis are safe and could help alleviate ailments like diabetes, respiratory tract s, asthma and chronic kidney disease.

Of course, larger studies are needed to confirm these results.Chemical compounds within propolis called polyphenols, which are naturally found in plants and therefore various foods and drinks (including wine), may explain some of these advantages. €œSome of these polyphenols have been studied for a whole host of things, like treatments what do i need to buy propecia of various kinds of cancer and even to [slow] the aging process itself,” Cherniack says. €œPolyphenols might even be useful even in affecting neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases … anything involving inflammation.”They’re also present in honey, a tasty food that may even play a role in protecting people from the harmful effects of radiation. Yet it’s difficult what do i need to buy propecia to discern how exactly the human body processes polyphenols, which limits scientists’ ability to develop drugs harnessing them specifically. It could therefore help to focus on administering propolis in controlled doses.

Pollinating the Medical FieldDespite the wide range of possible bee-derived treatments, we’re still far from an embrace by mainstream medicine. For one, researchers like Pan are still formulating how what do i need to buy propecia to safely and effectively utilize agents like melittin. In the case of cancer treatment, the goal is to design the nanoparticles containing melittin to activate only when they reach the cells of concern, Pan says. To complicate things, the body will likely try to reject these foreign objects — an issue he’s currently trying to work around.Some teams have looked into gene what do i need to buy propecia therapy, which would introduce genes into people’s bodies that are coded to deliver melittin to cancer cells. Others have considered giving patients IV doses of melittin engineered to bind with these cells.Yet the drug development process can take nearly two decades, Pan notes, when you factor in the numerous phases before possible FDA approval.

The entire venture can cost hundreds of millions of dollars (sometimes in the billion range), and cancer research has struggled for funding amid federal spending cuts and propecia-driven financial shortfalls.Pan has encountered skeptical study reviewers what do i need to buy propecia who wince at the mention of bee venom, despite the use of isolated peptides that don’t carry the same dangers as the real thing. Still, he says, the evidence speaks for itself. €œThey have been proven, pre-clinically at least, with a strong efficacy,” he says. €œThese are tremendous results, but what do i need to buy propecia we do struggle getting funding for this kind of research.”In 1968, researchers from the Royal College of General Practitioners began tracking approximately 46,000 women in the United Kingdom — half of whom actively used the birth control pill and half of whom had never used it. Follow-up reports on the study, one of the world’s largest continuing explorations into the health effects of hormonal contraception, suggested that pill users have a significantly lower rate of death from cancers and other diseases but a higher rate of death from something surprising.

Violence.The longer they’d been on the pill, the more likely this fate became what do i need to buy propecia. Those who’d been on the pill for more than eight years had an increased risk of 116 percent. It’s a small finding, but significant enough that chance couldn’t explain it.According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, approximately 151 million women worldwide used the pill as a method of contraception in 2019. Despite this, there’s still a lot we don’t know about what do i need to buy propecia it. As new data is collected, Philip Hannaford, corresponding author of the study and a professor emeritus of primary care at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, continues to see the same violent death statistics.

He just can’t explain why.Partner PreferencesBecause intimate partner violence accounts for more than a third of women murdered in the United States, a new review published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience argues that many of these violent deaths likely occurred at the hands of romantic partners.Lisa Welling, an associate professor of psychology at what do i need to buy propecia Oakland University, studies the influence of hormones on behavior. She’s found that contraceptive pill users tend to use more tactics to keep their relationship afloat — as do their partners. €œJealousy is a normal reaction people what do i need to buy propecia have in response to a potential or perceived threat to their relationship,” she says. €œIt’s an early warning system so we can take steps to correct issues before a break-up."One way jealousy can be expressed is through mate-retention behaviors, which are any behaviors that might be engaged to keep a partner from straying. This can include buying a partner a gift or complementing them, Welling says, but it can also mean violence.She agrees that the pill could be influencing whom women chose as their romantic partners.

However, she doubts that hormonal changes are to blame for the relationship between the pill and violent deaths what do i need to buy propecia. For one, research shows that pill-users prefer less masculine men, who studies have found are less likely to be perpetrators of violent crime. €œWomen prefer more masculine males when they’re fertile, but the contraceptive pill keeps a steady dose of hormones that mimics the phase what do i need to buy propecia when they’re already ovulated," Welling says. "So you don’t tend to see fluctuations in hormones across the cycle, and therefore you don’t see the same subtle changes in preferences.”Correlation or Causation?. Another possible explanation is that people tend to have more jealous reactions when their estrogen levels are higher, a hormone that the combined pill (the most commonly prescribed pill) contains along with progesterone.

€œSome say [adding in estrogen] more closely approximates the ratio of progesterone and estrogen of a natural menstrual cycle,” Welling what do i need to buy propecia says, “but really, it’s added in to help deal with the pill’s side effects.”These synthetic hormones have also been found to affect how satisfied users are with their relationship. A 2014 study showed that people might see a change in their relationship dynamics and a drop in satisfaction if they go off the pill, or start it during a relationship, Welling says — although there is limited support for this theory. While some argue that these hormones dangerously alter preference in a partner, most researchers agree there isn’t enough evidence to what do i need to buy propecia draw that conclusion. Instead, there could be alternative explanations for Hannaford’s findings.For instance, a 2002 study found that women using oral contraception, on average, reported a greater number of sexual partners across their lifetimes. Typically, Welling says, higher numbers of sexual partners encompass unattached encounters as well, referred to as what do i need to buy propecia casual sex.

"And research backs up that women who engage in more casual sex are often more likely victims of crime,” she says, emphasizing that she’s not blaming the victims.Hannaford agrees that alternative explanations for the association he found must be considered. It’s more likely, for example, that the women in his study who were on the pill were in relationships, more likely to be risk-takers or accident-prone, he says. In fact, Hannaford doesn’t think we’ll ever truly know if the pill what do i need to buy propecia causes women to pick partners who will go on to kill them, or if there’s another reason for the correlation. €œIt’s very unlikely we’ll ever know the biology enough,” he says. €œIt’s a very difficult thing to study, partly because the outcome is so rare — we’re talking about six per 100,000 women.”And don’t expect to hear this statistic at what do i need to buy propecia your next doctor appointment.

While Hannaford acknowledges that it’s important for pill-users to be informed of any risks, he says the main concern he discusses with anyone contemplating the pill is venous thrombosis [caused by blood clots]. Welling agrees, adding that, although 116 percent is a significant statistical effect, it’s not significant enough for doctors to be warning their patients about until the theory is backed up by two or three more datasets.(Inside Science) — It doesn't take much to nudge people into making healthier choices at the grocery store -- just removing confectionery and other unhealthy products from checkouts and the ends of nearby aisles and placing fruit and vegetables near store entrances have a real impact on what people buy. That's the key finding from a what do i need to buy propecia new study published last week in the journal PLOS Medicine. Very few people in the U.K. (and around the globe) eat enough fruit and vegetables, said Christine Vogel, what do i need to buy propecia a public health nutrition researcher at Southampton University, who co-authored the study.

Instead of blaming consumers or the cost of fresh food, Vogel said, she is really interested in looking at the food environment -- the places where people get their food, especially supermarkets where many families buy most of what they eat. Vogel and her colleagues focused on the food choices made by women of childbearing age. Some of their early findings showed that the what do i need to buy propecia food environment was important, particularly for women who had poor dietary choices. Vogel reached out to a discount supermarket chain called Iceland, which she said is quite heavily used by families who are more vulnerable economically and by younger adults who tend to have poorer quality diets. She pitched them a plan to change the store layout slightly to encourage the purchase of healthy what do i need to buy propecia food.In the study, the chain removed confectionery items from the checkouts and from the ends of the aisles near the checkout areas in three stores for six months each.

Instead, they stocked those areas with nonfood items like deodorant, water, and toothpaste and expanded the fruit and vegetable sections near the entrances of the stores. They compared the buying habits of what do i need to buy propecia consumers at those stores with those of consumers at stores that made no change but had similar clientele. The study showed that increasing the range of fresh fruit and vegetables and placing them in an expanded area at the front of the store increased customer purchases of fruit and vegetables in a substantial way. The increase added up to almost 10,000 additional portions of fruit and vegetables per week per store, which Vogel said could be translated into significant improvements in population diet. The study also found there were 1,500 fewer portions of confectionery purchased each week in each store -- a significant reduction in foods high in fat, sugar or salt.The study also tracked customers that use the supermarkets regularly, analyzing loyalty card data to see what they placed in their shopping what do i need to buy propecia baskets.

The researchers tracked them over nine months and found that the women -- whom the researchers focused on because they often are the ones who purchase food for a household -- who shopped at the healthier stores purchased more fruit and vegetables, and this also translated into a healthier diet when they answered surveys about what they were eating. Vogel said the findings provide some additional support for the U.K what do i need to buy propecia. Government's intention to ban the sale of foods high in fat, salt or sugar at the front of the store, because it will reduce the number of occasions that customers can interact with those foods. Other interventions, like adding signage about healthy options, has a far smaller effect in studies, Vogel said. The findings from the study affirm other research suggesting that food environments matter and supermarkets can do more to encourage healthy choices without compromising the bottom line, said Allison Karpyn, who co-directs the Center for Research Education and Social Policy at the what do i need to buy propecia University of Delaware.

"Oftentimes small changes in supermarkets such as placing products in a different part of the store, or on a different shelf, or with a larger tag, can result in significant shifts in what shoppers buy -- often without the shopper even realizing it," she said. "And while the results might seem modest, if you multiply impacts across communities, the potential to improve public health is large." what do i need to buy propecia Vogel said the next steps in her research include more digging into the effect of placing nonfood items at the checkout, since that's where many impulse purchases are made. Reducing impulsive purchases, she said, "is a way to reduce the opportunity for individuals and families to have added unnecessary calories." This story was published on Inside Science. Read the what do i need to buy propecia original here.Around 440,000 people in the U.S. Use a gastrostomy tube (also called a G-tube), according to 2013 data.

It can replace or supplement oral feedings by delivering water, food and drugs to the stomach, where a G-tube is surgically, radiographically or endoscopically placed.I use one myself. Eating was always a chore for what do i need to buy propecia me because I have several disabilities from a childhood brain tumor. Many of my recent hospital visits have been due to pneumonia. But after a lengthy what do i need to buy propecia stay in the ICU and months of swallow therapy, I decided to put a G-tube in because it would be safer for my lungs and conserve energy from the laborious task of eating — and it would be healthier than my past diet.There’s two kinds of G-tubes. One is called a ‘conventional tube’ and is about six inches long.

It’s floppy like a noodle, and is coiled and taped to the torso. Therefore, it can unfortunately build up residue and irritate skin what do i need to buy propecia. This type is most frequently stocked in hospitals. It’s used while what do i need to buy propecia the body forms a feeding channel between the stomach and skin. Elderly people tend to need it the most because they more often require nutritional support.This conventional model can render physical movement difficult or painful, and some health care providers assume that older people are less active.

Still, people with G-tubes (regardless of age) deserve to partake in daily activities like errands and fitness classes. The other type — a ‘low-profile Mic-key tube’ — must be ordered by a hospital and what do i need to buy propecia is meant for a younger, more active population. A part of the Mic-key called a ‘button’ sticks out an inch from the stomach. The button what do i need to buy propecia has a hole in which an extension tube is twisted and locked into place. Then, a syringe is connected at the other end for feeding.

While most what do i need to buy propecia people use a G-tube for a short amount of time while recovering from an injury or experiencing a serious illness, some have it permanently implanted. Despite their advantages, these devices can endanger patients. Due to allergy and sensitivity problems, digestive or absorption issues, or a rejection of the enteral feeding, about three in 10 individuals experience Enteral Feeding Intolerance (EFI). This can what do i need to buy propecia result in pneumonia and other serious complications. And the Mic-key tube needs to be replaced every six months because it may become blocked, dislodged or degraded.The G-tube’s supply and safety issues have prompted a new approach.

Last July, Belgium-based manufacturer VIPUN and Baxter Inc., one of the country’s biggest medical suppliers, announced a partnership to create a what do i need to buy propecia smart feeding tube. What will make a smart G-tube ‘smart’ is its ability to measure stomach motility (or movement) for clinicians.This specialized G-tube will certainly help prevent nurses and doctors from getting liquids and medications into patients’ lungs. Still, the claim is somewhat misleading because Baxter solely focuses on the amount of liquid in the stomach, not the content. If a patient gets sick from one ingredient, it likely doesn’t matter if their stomach is completely full or what do i need to buy propecia half full.With the increase of smart biotech products like Dexcom, which measures glucose levels, and Fitbit’s oxygen and heart rate monitoring, it’s fair to say the wearables market is ramping up — giants like Cardinal Health are also looking into a smart G-tube design. And while many people see the equipment's invasive nature as a disadvantage, it may actually render it the next biotechnology breakthrough.A proper smart G-tube would not have its information distorted by the skin.

Hypothetically, the data could be accessed through an encrypted app like Signal, and sent to medical professionals in real time what do i need to buy propecia. This technology is already life-saving, but it could be more so if the individual is unconscious or unable to communicate.Another worrying aspect of the G-tube experience is the environmental waste it creates. From formula cartons to syringes, all of the associated products should be made from biodegradable materials to decrease their toxic impact what do i need to buy propecia on our world. We have already witnessed how medical equipment takes its toll on the Earth. Currently, tube extensions are made of polyurethane or silicone and need to be replaced every six months.

These materials are then destined for a what do i need to buy propecia landfill. If a smart G-tube had an extension like a rubber straw that only required replacement once or twice every several years, we could cut down on waste.A smart G-tube may sound far-fetched, but plenty of people spend their lives with a pace-maker or Inspire device (which is used to treat sleep apnea) inside their bodies. In 2019, the global feeding tube market was valued what do i need to buy propecia at $2.5 billion. That figure may grow to $4.2 billion by 2027. Numbers aside, a robust smart G-tube should be made simply because it will improve hundreds of thousands of people’s quality of life.

And if we can land the Perseverance rover 38 million what do i need to buy propecia miles away at 1,200 miles per hour, we can make a G-tube that's flush with the skin.As Earth’s climate heats up, extreme heat events will become more likely. According to a recent study, by 2100 extreme heat and humidity will affect 1.2 billion people worldwide — more than four times the number of people affected today. And those effects can be what do i need to buy propecia deadly. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 166,000 people died as a result of heatwaves between 1998 and 2017. Seventy thousand of those died in just one summer, what do i need to buy propecia during Europe’s 2003 heatwave.

In the U.S. Alone, heat kills more than 600 people each year.So yes, heat kills. But how? what do i need to buy propecia. Overwhelming the SystemsRemarkably, the human body operates within a very narrow range of temperatures. That range varies a little from person to person, but what do i need to buy propecia not all that much.

The body has clever ways of maintaining that optimal temperature range, which is why we stay at a more or less steady internal body temperature winter and summer, indoors and out. However, there’s a limit to what the body can deal with. Prolonged exposure what do i need to buy propecia to very high temperatures can throw that control system out of whack. Daniel Henning is an emergency room physician at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. He’s seen a lot of heat illness in his career, especially this summer what do i need to buy propecia.

He explains that when the body gets too hot, the mechanisms it has for keeping the temperature in the safety zone can get overwhelmed. When the skin gets hot, the blood vessels just underneath the skin get hot, too. That too-warm what do i need to buy propecia blood is circulated deeper into the body’s core. This triggers the body’s built-in cooling system. Sweating.

As sweat seeps — or sometimes pours — out of the skin, it evaporates, thus cooling the skin and the blood vessels underneath. Your core body temperature comes back down.However, if you’re exposed to really high temperatures for a long enough time, your body may not be able to produce enough sweat to keep your body temperature under control. (This can also be exacerbated if you’re already dehydrated, which is why it’s especially important to drink plenty of water when it’s hot.)When sweating isn’t enough, your body has to work even harder to cool you down. The heart beats faster, trying to get the heat that’s built up in the core back to the surface where it can be cooled. The kidneys have to work harder, too.When the body’s core temperature reaches 40° C (104° F), you’re in real trouble.

At this point you have hyperthermia, sometimes called heat stroke, and the bad news just keeps coming. Your proteins and enzymes start breaking down. Your gut can begin to leak toxins into the bloodstream, creating a kind of sepsis. The immune system can begin producing an inflammatory reaction that further damages your organs. €œUsually,” says Henning, “by the time you've gotten to these really high temperatures, all of these things are happening simultaneously.”Even if you get into serious trouble from extreme heat, with prompt treatment you can still survive.

But without it, your odds are not good. High RiskSeveral factors increase the risk of heat stroke. Being dehydrated, being obese, having certain medical conditions (such as heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, or opioid use disorder), taking certain medications (such as diuretics, beta blockers, and antidepressants), and drinking alcohol.Construction workers, farmers, athletes, and other people who work or play outside are also at higher risk for hyperthermia, as are young children. However, most deaths from heat are among older people who live in homes without air conditioning, in part because older people are more likely to have one or more of the above risk factors.What should you do to stay safe during extreme heat events?. Stay inside an air-conditioned building.

Drink plenty of water. If you do have to be outside, do it early in the day, stop for frequent breaks, and don’t overdo it. Sounds simple enough. But for many people those aren’t options. Poor people, who often have to work outdoors and are less likely to have access to air conditioning, are the most vulnerable.Jeremy J.

Hess, Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the University of Washington, is a lead author on several climate-change assessments, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. He says that as the world continues to heat up, we can expect increases in the frequency, severity, and sometimes duration of extreme heat events. That means more people will be exposed to dangerous levels of heat. We can save lives, but to do that, we will have to take action to reduce the risks to those who are most vulnerable. €œIn a lot of places, we're seeing these exposures increase faster than the protections,” he says.

One of the many challenges of the changing climate is how to keep the vulnerable safe from deadly heat..